Citas bibligráficas
Galdos, N., (2019). El concepto de pluralidad y su despliegue en la lexis y la praxis, desde el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt [Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya].
Galdos, N., El concepto de pluralidad y su despliegue en la lexis y la praxis, desde el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt []. PE: Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya; 2019.
title = "El concepto de pluralidad y su despliegue en la lexis y la praxis, desde el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt",
author = "Galdos Loayza, Noémi Cristina",
publisher = "Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya",
year = "2019"
My purpose on this essay is to recover the concept of plurality from the analysis proposed by Hannah Arendt, taking in consideration the author’s critique of the philosophical tradition. By interpreting the concept of plurality as a pre-political condition, i.e., a foundational normative principle of politics and praxis, I intend to understand what Arendt called political life. I will give an account of how the concept of plurality is reveled in all praxis and lexis and how through this concept the author tries to clarify the mechanisms that allow the safeguarding of plurality and human praxis. The contribution proposed by Hannah Arendt reveals the concept of plurality within its normative dimension as an orientation that helps us to realize ourselves politically, this is in contrast with a conception of intersubjectivity-as some kind of link between consciousnesses- the original intersubjectivity of the human being is rooted in the praxis and lexis that unfold in the world that it shares with others.
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