Citas bibligráficas
Martorellet, C., (2021). La radio al servicio de los movimientos sociales en América Latina. el caso de radio Onda Azul y la lucha por la tierra en Puno [Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya].
Martorellet, C., La radio al servicio de los movimientos sociales en América Latina. el caso de radio Onda Azul y la lucha por la tierra en Puno []. PE: Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya; 2021.
title = "La radio al servicio de los movimientos sociales en América Latina. el caso de radio Onda Azul y la lucha por la tierra en Puno",
author = "Martorellet Quintana, Claudia",
publisher = "Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya",
year = "2021"
In the 1980s, Puno was the scene of a social movement that brought together diverse political and social actors around the democratic restructuring of land in favor of the communities and peasant communities historically affected by the unequal distribution of this resource. A radio station belonging to the Diocese of Puno and the South Andean Church will play a special role in the struggle for land by becoming a means of communication aimed at promoting peasant organization and mobilization. This research aims to describe the articulation of Radio Onda Azul to the struggle for land in order to study, from a historical perspective, the use of radio in the service of social movements in Latin America. It seeks to situate the experience of Onda Azul as part of the phenomenon of Latin American alternative communications with the objective of identifying possible relationships that can be established between media and social movements.
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