Citas bibligráficas
Medina, R., (2018). El aseguramiento de la calidad en educación superior a través del proceso de acreditación de la carrera de arquitectura de la FAUA UNI desde la percepción de los actores involucrados [Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya].
Medina, R., El aseguramiento de la calidad en educación superior a través del proceso de acreditación de la carrera de arquitectura de la FAUA UNI desde la percepción de los actores involucrados []. PE: Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya; 2018.
title = "El aseguramiento de la calidad en educación superior a través del proceso de acreditación de la carrera de arquitectura de la FAUA UNI desde la percepción de los actores involucrados",
author = "Medina Manrique, Roberto",
publisher = "Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya",
year = "2018"
The goal of this research is to interpret the perceptions of the actors involved in the assurance of the higher education quality in the accreditation process of the architecture career at the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú, that explain this social process. In this way, the research can be a contribution to the same actors of the process and to the same process as a whole. To do this, it develops an interpretive paradigm, with a qualitative approach and as methodology the grounded theory, based on collecting the data and analyzing them. The theoretical sampling is applied, based on parameters of heterogeneity of actors by type, integrating extreme cases (auxiliary and principal professors, basic level students and recent graduates), typical cases, politically sensitive cases (current and past authorities), with a convenience criterion. The instrument used is the semi-structured interview. This research determined that there is no clear conception of the actors about the need to elaborate an own concept of the institution quality, based on the self-evaluation of the legacy and the future, which limits the participatory level of the actors. There are actions, mainly of control, that promote the quality assurance as part of an international accreditation process, generate a main perception of obligation, when the generation of a culture of own quality must be promoted, from the improvement of the Involvement and satisfaction, which is vital to achieve commitments of continuous improvement of quality in higher education, in a career as architecture, and in the Peruvian university.
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