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Flores Pérez, Alberto Enrique
Zamalloa Menacho, Alanis Alessandra
Manani Rojas, Renzo
Zamalloa Menacho, A. A. & Manani Rojas, R. (2023). Proposal of production model based on lean and continuous improvement to improve the productivity in smes of baking: an empirical investigation in Peru [Tesis para optar el Título Profesional de Ingeniero Industrial, Universidad de Lima]. Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Lima. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12724/18858 (es_PE)
In Peru, the food industry represents 16.52% of GDP and bread is one of the foods that generated the highest consumption; however, despite the demand, bakery SMEs have a negative performance. Poor process management and methods are used affecting its pro- ductivity. Faced with this problem, SMEs in Europe are using the Lean Manufacturing methodology to optimize their processes. That is why this article proposes as a contribution the Lean-Deming Model, which includes tools such as Poka Yoke, Work Standardiza- tion, 5S and Deming Cycle. To validate this contribution, the model was developed in a bakery SME in Lima, Peru in its "pan frances" production line. A simulation of the improvements in the Arena Software was carried out, with which positive results were obtained. Searching tools times decreased by 10.34% and labor productivity improved by 23.91%, thus improving overall process productivity. (es_PE)
application/pdf (es_PE)
spa (es_PE)
Universidad de Lima (es_PE)
Repositorio Institucional - Ulima (es_PE)
Universidad de Lima (es_PE)
Industria del pan (es_PE)
Productividad (es_PE)
Producción eficiente (es_PE)
Proceso de mejora continua (es_PE)
Gestión de la calidad total (es_PE)
Pequeñas y medianas empresas (es_PE)
Bread industry (es_PE)
Industrial productivity (es_PE)
Lean manufacturing (es_PE)
Continuous improvement process (es_PE)
Total quality management (es_PE)
Small business (es_PE)
Ingeniería industrial / Tecnología de procesos (es_PE)
Proposal of production model based on lean and continuous improvement to improve the productivity in smes of baking: an empirical investigation in Peru (es_PE)
Universidad de Lima. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura (es_PE)
Ingeniería Industrial (es_PE)
Título profesional (es_PE)
Ingeniero Industrial (es_PE)
PE (es_PE)
Collao Díaz, Martín Fidel
Flores Pérez, Alberto Enrique
Quiroz Flores, Juan Carlos
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