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Title: El Despido Arbitrario y la vulneración del Derecho a la estabilidad laboral en el Régimen Laboral Privado, Lima 2020
Other Titles: Arbitrary Dismissal and the violation of the right to labor stability in the private regime Lima, 2020.
Advisor(s): Guevara Bringas, Rubén
OCDE field: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#5.05.01
Issue Date: 13-Dec-2023
Institution: Universidad Norbert Wiener
Abstract: Key words: Critical pedagogy, critical thinking, the present research work was developed based on the analysis of Exp.N°12502-2020, whose main objective is to analyze the arbitrary dismissal and the violation of the right to labor stability in the private labor regime, Lima 2020. Likewise, the type of methodology used is basic, the qualitative approach, based on the inductive method and as a data collection technique, the documentary analysis, obtaining as a result that the arbitrary dismissal transgresses the right to work which is considered a fundamental right, in the study conducted can be evidenced the violation of the right to labor stability, since the worker had indeterminate term contract so the court resolves to reinstate the worker to his workplace and grant compensation for damages caused.
Discipline: Derecho y Ciencia Política
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política.
Grade or title: Abogada
Juror: Julca Cucho, Damizú; Vizcarra Ramirez, Agustín; Potocarrero Zamora, María Elena
Register date: 9-Apr-2024; 9-Apr-2024

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