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Díaz Morales, Federico Gilberto Efraín
Zapata Flores, Joseluis Gaspar
Zapata Flores, Joseluis Gaspar
The Viability Procedure for New Natural Gas Supplies, which has been in force since 2009, allows a user who is interested in obtaining natural gas service to make a formal request to the concessionaire, which through an technically and economically evaluation, it analyzes whether the project is economically possible. The purpose of this work is to implement a methodology to carry out said procedure that allows determining, in an orderly manner, the viability of a project and avoiding excess charges in the calculated surcharge if required for NGV stations. For this, the data that a service station submitted in its Feasibility Request will be collected, as well as the additional data that the concessionaire used in its calculations and the data of the prices of the accessories and pipes that are regulated and approved by OSINERGMIN. The result obtained will be compared with the result that the concessionaire delivered to the interested party and the correct application of the procedure and the real cost of the surcharge will be determined. It will be concluded that the implementation of a methodology to carry out the Viability Procedure avoids possible excessive charges. Finally, one of the recommendations will be the modification of the rule in which the use of this methodology is recommended for all concessions. (es)
The Viability Procedure for New Natural Gas Supplies, which has been in force since 2009, allows a user who is interested in obtaining natural gas service to make a formal request to the concessionaire, which through an technically and economically evaluation, it analyzes whether the project is economically possible. The purpose of this work is to implement a methodology to carry out said procedure that allows determining, in an orderly manner, the viability of a project and avoiding excess charges in the calculated surcharge if required for NGV stations. For this, the data that a service station submitted in its Feasibility Request will be collected, as well as the additional data that the concessionaire used in its calculations and the data of the prices of the accessories and pipes that are regulated and approved by OSINERGMIN. The result obtained will be compared with the result that the concessionaire delivered to the interested party and the correct application of the procedure and the real cost of the surcharge will be determined. It will be concluded that the implementation of a methodology to carry out the Viability Procedure avoids possible excessive charges. Finally, one of the recommendations will be the modification of the rule in which the use of this methodology is recommended for all concessions. (en)
Tesis (es)
application/pdf (es)
spa (es)
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (es)
info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess (es)
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ (es)
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (es)
Repositorio Institucional - UNI (es)
Procedimiento de viabilidad (es)
Gas natural (es)
Estaciones de GNV (es)
Viabilidad técnica de nuevos suministros de gas natural para estaciones de GNV en la concesión de Lima y Callao (es)
info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis (es)
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Facultad de Ingeniería de Petróleo, Gas Natural y Petroquímica (es)
Ingeniería de Petróleo y Gas Natural (es)
Título Profesional (es)
Ingeniero de Petróleo y Gas Natural (es)
PE (es)
http://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.07.03 (es)
http://purl.org/pe-repo/renati/nivel#tituloProfesional (es)
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0589-6542 (es)
Argumé Chávez, Edgard Américo
Paulino Romero, Jorge Simón
http://purl.org/pe-repo/renati/type#tesis (es)

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