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Huamanchahua Canchanya, Deyby Maycol (es_ES)
Miranda Yauri, Alexander Claudio (es_ES)
Huayta Uribe, Alem (es_ES)
Macuri Vasquez, Jalber Brayan (es_ES)
https://doi.org/10.1109/UEMCON53757.2021.9666512 (doi)
2021 IEEE 12th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON) (journal)
Huayta, A., Macuri, J. y Miranda, A. (2021). Control and monitoring system of hydraulic parameters for rainbow trout culture. Tesis para optar el título profesional de Ingeniero Mecatrónico, Escuela Académico Profesional de Ingeniería Mecatrónica, Universidad Continental, Huancayo, Perú. (es_ES)
This research presents the design and control of an automatic monitoring system of the main water parameters for rainbow trout culture, which is a freshwater species distributed in the high Andean zones along with the Andes mountain range, which will be given through mechatronic systems. This work presents the control and monitoring of temperature, dissolved oxygen level, pH, and water level independently so that monitoring and control are simple. The procedure shows the use of different sensors that capture the water parameters such as the use of a Ceratex analog sensor to measure the pH, also the PT100 that will help us to calculate the temperature, and finally an Oxymax sensor for dissolved oxygen, all this helps us to extend the species and prevent its extinction, For the part of the programmed environment the information will be sent and displayed in the visual environment of the system, parallel to this the controller will act based on the information received, to maintain the water parameters in the appropriate range for rainbow trout, which are dissolved oxygen greater than 6 mg / l and less than 8. 5mg/l, within the temperature level, the species lives in waters of 9° to 14° C and with a pH of 6.6 to 7.9. In addition, the automatic mechatronic system implemented will facilitate and improve the monitoring and control of water parameters for rainbow trout culture. (es_ES)
application/pdf (es_ES)
2 páginas (es_ES)
eng (es_ES)
Universidad Continental (es_ES)
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9666512 (es_ES)
Acceso restringido (accessRights)
info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess (es_ES)
Repositorio Institucional - Continental (es_ES)
Universidad Continental (es_ES)
Estructuras hidráulicas (es_ES)
Acuicultura (es_ES)
Control automático (es_ES)
Control and monitoring system of hydraulic parameters for rainbow trout culture (es_ES)
info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis (es_ES)
Universidad Continental. Facultad de Ingeniería. (es_ES)
Ingeniería Mecatrónica (es_ES)
Ingeniero Mecatrónico (es_ES)
PE (es_ES)
http://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#2.03.02 (es_ES)
https://purl.org/pe-repo/renati/level#tituloProfesional (es_ES)
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0726-4765 (es_ES)
713096 (es_ES)
https://purl.org/pe-repo/renati/type#tesis (es_ES)
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info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion (es_ES)

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