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Aguirre Espinoza, Edwards Jesús
Arminta Valencia, Jesús
Inteligencia emocional y rendimiento académico en la asignaturan de matemática básica II de los estudiantes de la escuela profesional de contabilidad de la Universidad Andina del Cusco sede Sicuani, semestre 2016-I (es_PE)
The present research was aimed at determining the level of relationship between emotional intelligence and academic performance in the course of basic mathematics IIof the student of de professional accounting school of the Andean University of Cusco. Sede Sicuani, semester 2016-I; Corresponds to a substantive and basic research of correlational type, in a non – experimental descriptive, cross- sectional type design because the data were obtained in a single moment and only time, in a sample of 34 students selected in a non – probabilistic and intentional way. For this, it was considered an instrument called Baron Ice’s emotional intelligence test, on the perceptions of emotional intelligence, which, being a professional work instrument, was also tested for reliability. The software Ms. Exel and IBM SPSS v21 were used for the processing and analysis of the obtained data. For the hypothesis test we used the Chi square independence test and the Kendall Tau-B association test, and found that the predominant level of emotional intelligence is 93.65 which indicates that is good, with a standard deviation indicating that the variation between respondents is a bout 17 points; The academic performance in the area of mathematics is at the good level in 47.2%, From which it arrives at the conclusion: with a confidence level of 95% = 0.95, and at the level of significance of: 5% = 0.05, it is confirmed that there is a correlation between the variables of emotional intelligence and school performance, according to The statistic proof for a nonparametric study be Kendall Tau-B, whose correlation coefficient reaches the value of 0.779 value that shows a high correlation between those variables in the students of the accounting professional school of the Andean University of Cusco. Sede Sicuani, semester 2016-I (en_US)
Tesis (es_PE)
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Universidad Andina del Cusco (es_PE)
info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess (es_PE)
Universidad Andina del Cusco (es_PE)
Repositorio Institucional - UAC (es_PE)
Inteligencia emocional (es_PE)
Rendimiento académico (es_PE)
Inteligencia emocional y rendimiento académico en la asignatura de matemática básica II de los estudiantes de la escuela profesional de contabilidad de la Universidad Andina del Cusco sede Sicuani, semestre 2016-I (es_PE)
info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis (es_PE)
Universidad Andina del Cusco. Escuela de Pos Grado (es_PE)
Docencia Universitaria (es_PE)
Maestria (es_PE)
Maestro en Docencia Universitaria (es_PE)
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