Bibliographic citations
Meza, K., Santayana, R. (2018). Esquemas maladaptativos tempranos y depresión en pacientes de una institución de salud de Lima [Tesis, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón].
Meza, K., Santayana, R. Esquemas maladaptativos tempranos y depresión en pacientes de una institución de salud de Lima [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón; 2018.
title = "Esquemas maladaptativos tempranos y depresión en pacientes de una institución de salud de Lima",
author = "Santayana Rengifo, Rocío Del Pilar",
publisher = "Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón",
year = "2018"
The present research has a quantitative type with a descriptive and correlational design, whose main purpose is to compare the early maladaptative pattems and depression developed in young patients who were hospitalized in a Health Institution of Lima. The sample used for the research consisted of 100 male patients whose ages were between 18 and 23 years and were interned in different hospitalization units. A Sociodemographic Record, the Scheme Questionnaire and the Depression Scale were used as materials. The results obtained that the only early maladaptive scheme that is related to depression is the 15 (perception of the environment in a pessimistic way) with 95% confidence. So we concluded that the not covered necessity in these people are spontaneity and play, because of infants learned to repress their feelings, impulses and choices, which is why they currently see life in a negative way.
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