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Curro, A., (2024). Factores que influyen en la decisión de donar órganos en mayores de edad de la ciudad de Cusco periodo 2022 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Curro, A., Factores que influyen en la decisión de donar órganos en mayores de edad de la ciudad de Cusco periodo 2022 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2024.
title = "Factores que influyen en la decisión de donar órganos en mayores de edad de la ciudad de Cusco periodo 2022",
author = "Curro Barboza, Aracely Carmenpaula",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2024"
Title: Factores que influyen en la decisión de donar órganos en mayores de edad de la ciudad de Cusco periodo 2022
Authors(s): Curro Barboza, Aracely Carmenpaula
Advisor(s): Nieto Portocarrero, Ruben
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 16-Oct-2024
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: Objetivos: Determinar los factores asociados a la decisión de donar órganos en mayores
de edad de la ciudad de Cusco periodo 2022. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio
transversal analítico, su muestreo fue de tipo conglomerado aleatorio simple conformado
por los 5 distritos principales de la ciudad del Cusco (San Sebastian, San Jeronimo,
Wanchaq, Cusco y Santiago). En total se encuesto 410 pobladores y se usó el Rho de
Spearman para correlacionar las variables. Resultados: En la ciudad del Cusco hay un
9.5% de donantes registrados, los factores influyentes en la decisión de donar órganos
son: El altruismo (0.779 p<0.00), el nivel de estudios (0.529 p<0.00) y de manera negativa
la religión (-0.43 p<0.00). Conclusiones: Se estimó que la prevalencia de la decisión
positiva frente a donar órganos fue del 9.5%, un porcentaje que se considera insuficiente
frente a la creciente demanda de trasplantes en la ciudad de Cusco, durante el periodo
2022. Se determinó que el altruismo (78%, α=5%), el nivel de estudios (53%,α=5%) y la
religión (43%,α=5%) fueron los factores asociados a la decisión de donar órganos en
mayores de edad. Estos deben ser abordados en las campañas de sensibilización.
Objective: Determine the factors associated with the decision to donate organs to adults in the city of Cusco during the year 2022. Materials and methods: An analytical cross- sectional study was carried out, its sampling was a simple random conglomerate made up of the 5 main districts of the city of Cusco (San Sebastian, San Jeronimo, Wanchaq, Cusco and Santiago). In total, 410 residents were surveyed and Spearman's Rho was used to correlate the variables. Results: In the city of Cusco, 9.5% of the population are registered as organ donors. The influential factors in the decision to donate organs are: Altruism (0.779, p<0.00), the level of education (0.529, p<0.00), and negatively, religion (-0.43, p<0.00). Conclusions: It was estimated that the prevalence of a positive decision to donate organs was 9.5%, a percentage that is considered insufficient given the growing demand for transplants in the city of Cusco during the year 2022. It was determined that altruism (78%, α=5%), educational level (53%, α=5%), and religion (43%, α=5%) were the factors associated with the decision to donate organs among adults. These factors should be addressed in awareness campaigns.
Objective: Determine the factors associated with the decision to donate organs to adults in the city of Cusco during the year 2022. Materials and methods: An analytical cross- sectional study was carried out, its sampling was a simple random conglomerate made up of the 5 main districts of the city of Cusco (San Sebastian, San Jeronimo, Wanchaq, Cusco and Santiago). In total, 410 residents were surveyed and Spearman's Rho was used to correlate the variables. Results: In the city of Cusco, 9.5% of the population are registered as organ donors. The influential factors in the decision to donate organs are: Altruism (0.779, p<0.00), the level of education (0.529, p<0.00), and negatively, religion (-0.43, p<0.00). Conclusions: It was estimated that the prevalence of a positive decision to donate organs was 9.5%, a percentage that is considered insufficient given the growing demand for transplants in the city of Cusco during the year 2022. It was determined that altruism (78%, α=5%), educational level (53%, α=5%), and religion (43%, α=5%) were the factors associated with the decision to donate organs among adults. These factors should be addressed in awareness campaigns.
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Discipline: Medicina Humana
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Grade or title: Médico Cirujano
Juror: Rivas Achahui, Cristabel Nilda; Virto Concha, Carlos Alberto; Vignatti Valencia, Walter Justo; Morales Mercado, Reynaldo
Register date: 22-Nov-2024
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