Bibliographic citations
Saldaña, N., (2016). Manejo de plántulas de Brosimum utile Kunth con diferentes sustratos, en vivero, Loreto, Perú. [Tesis, Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana].
Saldaña, N., Manejo de plántulas de Brosimum utile Kunth con diferentes sustratos, en vivero, Loreto, Perú. [Tesis]. : Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana; 2016.
title = "Manejo de plántulas de Brosimum utile Kunth con diferentes sustratos, en vivero, Loreto, Perú.",
author = "Saldaña Fernández, Nelly Aydee",
publisher = "Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2016"
The study was conducted in the forest nursery CIEFOR, Puerto Almendras - UNAP district of San Juan Bautista, Maynas province, Loreto region. The objective was to obtain information from the initial growth, survival and quality of seedlings Brosimum Kunth utile "chingonga" planted in different substrates. The experimental area was approximately 8 m2 divided into 15 sub fields of 2.0m x 0.3m (0.6 m2) each; The experimental design was simple random, with a control and four treatments and 3 replications. Treatments were, t0 = seedlings planted in natural soil (100%); t1 = seedlings planted in natural soil (30%) + decomposed sawdust (30%) + rotten stick (30%) + sand (10%); t2 = seedlings planted in natural soil (40%) + decomposed sawdust (50%) + sand (10%); t3 = seedlings planted in natural soil (20%) + decomposed sawdust (50%) + rotten stick (20%) + sand (10%); t4 = seedlings planted in natural soil (10%) + decomposed sawdust (60%) + rotten stick (20%) +sand (10%). The results indicate that treatment 1 had a higher increase in height with 4.0 cm and t3 treatment it was in the diameter 0.8 mm; treatment showed higher survival was 29.4% t2 with live plants and the quality of seedlings Brosimum Kunth utile "chingonga" at the end of the trial, overall it was bad.
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