Bibliographic citations
Dávila, D., (2021). Análisis cuantitativo de las poblaciones de “aguaje” Mauritia flexuosa L.f y “ungurahui” Oenocarpus bataua Mart en tres territorios indígenas de la cuenca alta del Putumayo, Loreto – Perú [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Dávila, D., Análisis cuantitativo de las poblaciones de “aguaje” Mauritia flexuosa L.f y “ungurahui” Oenocarpus bataua Mart en tres territorios indígenas de la cuenca alta del Putumayo, Loreto – Perú []. PE: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2021.
title = "Análisis cuantitativo de las poblaciones de “aguaje” Mauritia flexuosa L.f y “ungurahui” Oenocarpus bataua Mart en tres territorios indígenas de la cuenca alta del Putumayo, Loreto – Perú",
author = "Dávila Macedo, Dennis Valentin",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2021"
During the month of September 2019, this research work was carried out, with the objective of generating quantitative information on the populations of “aguaje” Mauritia flexuosa Lf and “ungurahui” Oenocarpus bataua Mart in three indigenous territories Secoyas and Kichwas (Nueva Jerusalen, Mashunta and Nuevo Belén) of the upper Putumayo basin, border Peru - Colombia. For this, inventories were carried out, using modified Wittaker plots of 1 hectare, where the aguaje and ungurahui individuals with a shaft ≥ 10 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) and heights ≥ 6 meters were recorded. In the Nueva Jerusalen area, densities of adult aguaje palms of 45.3 ind./ha were estimated, while in Nuevo Belén 67.8 ind./ha. Regarding adult ungurahui palms, densities of 20 ind./ha were estimated in Nueva Jerusalen and 16.5 ind./ha in Mashunta. In the aguajales of Nueva Jerusalen, the height class that obtained the highest number of individuals corresponds to the range from 16 to 20 m with 43 ind., While in Nuevo Belén it was the ranges from 21 to 25 m with 199 ind., Followed from 16 to 20 m with 102 ind. Regarding the number of aguaje clusters, 232 clusters were reported in Nueva Jerusalen. and in Nuevo Belén 872 rac., regarding the ungurahui, 72 rac was reported. in New Jerusalen and 140 rac. in Mashunta.
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