Bibliographic citations
Canchari, F., (2024). Gestión de costos y adquisiciones en proyecto de infraestructura educativa
CASO DE ESTUDIO Techo metálico en colegio mercedes – Huánuco [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Canchari, F., Gestión de costos y adquisiciones en proyecto de infraestructura educativa
CASO DE ESTUDIO Techo metálico en colegio mercedes – Huánuco [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Gestión de costos y adquisiciones en proyecto de infraestructura educativa
CASO DE ESTUDIO Techo metálico en colegio mercedes – Huánuco",
author = "Canchari Mallqui, Felix Maurelio",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
Effective cost and procurement management is a fundamental pillar in the successful execution of construction projects, such as the metal roof of Las Mercedes School in Huánuco. The proper use of management tools in this area is crucial as it allows for maximizing resource efficiency and ensuring that procurements are made timely and within the established budget. This research paper will address the importance of effective cost and procurement management and the positive impact it can have on the smoothness and success of construction projects. For this purpose, the best practices established in the PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition, will be referenced, which provides an internationally recognized framework for project management. Additionally, specific tools such as Kanban, which can be used to improve the visualization and tracking of procurements and costs in the project, will be explored. Other tools will also be considered, aiming to offer a comprehensive and updated approach to cost and procurement management in construction projects. Case studies will be analyzed, and empirical research will be conducted to validate the effectiveness of these tools and strategies in the specific context of the metal roof project at Las Mercedes School.
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