Bibliographic citations
Pilares, Y., (2016). Los microcréditos y el desarrollo económico de los microempresarios usuarios de Mibanco en la asociación Pro Vivienda los Proceres del distrito de San Sebastian, Cusco-2015. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Pilares, Y., Los microcréditos y el desarrollo económico de los microempresarios usuarios de Mibanco en la asociación Pro Vivienda los Proceres del distrito de San Sebastian, Cusco-2015. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2016.
title = "Los microcréditos y el desarrollo económico de los microempresarios usuarios de Mibanco en la asociación Pro Vivienda los Proceres del distrito de San Sebastian, Cusco-2015.",
author = "Pilares Alvarez, Yssy Cristina",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2016"
The research was conducted at the Association for Housing Los Proceres District of San Sebastian, the study population includes 76 entrepreneurs to microcredit users of financial institution Mibanco, who are key players in economic development; the objective is to determine the degree of influence of microcredit in the economic development of microentrepreneurs Mibanco users, for which an investigation correlational, descriptive and non-experimental design level was raised; the technique of data collection was implemented the survey and its instrument like the questionnaire, which allowed counteract the result. Was obtained as a final result that 95% reliability by Pearson correlation affirm that microcredit significantly influence the economic development of microentrepreneurs users Mibanco in the Association for Housing Los Proceres district of San Sebastian Cusco, where the degree of relationship is 52.8%, p<0.05. It was determined that according to the correlation matrix, there is significant correlation between all dimensions of Microcredit with all dimensions of economic development stressing that the investment has a higher correlation with economic development in a 46.5% likewise has a higher correlation with social development in a 68.9%, p <0.05. It was noted that investment is the dimension of microcredit, which represents the highest score with an average score of 3.9 which is graded on the scale as “Viable“ followed by the amount of loan with an average score of 2.1 qualified on the scale “regular“, then observed the guarantees with an average score of 3.1 reflects a rating of “regular“ according to the scale, and finally the return period is observed with an average score of 2.9 which is rated “ regular “on the scale. It was also noted that local economic development is the dimension of the economic development of microentrepreneurs users Mibanco of the Association for Housing Los Proceres San Sebastián District 2015, which has an average score of 3.7; reflecting a scale of “high“ rating, then he perceived social development with an average score of 3.8, reflecting a scale score “high“ rating.
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