Bibliographic citations
Follana, J., Cusipaucar, J. (2023). Análisis comparativo de la respuesta sísmica del edificio "pabellón inicial del Colegio San Francisco de Asís" con base fija y con aisladores LRB Y TPF Cusco-2022. [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Follana, J., Cusipaucar, J. Análisis comparativo de la respuesta sísmica del edificio "pabellón inicial del Colegio San Francisco de Asís" con base fija y con aisladores LRB Y TPF Cusco-2022. []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "Análisis comparativo de la respuesta sísmica del edificio "pabellón inicial del Colegio San Francisco de Asís" con base fija y con aisladores LRB Y TPF Cusco-2022.",
author = "Cusipaucar Cardenas, Juan Jesus",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
This research work sought to study the seismic behavior of the Initial Pavilion building of the San Francisco de Asís School, incorporating a vibration control system at the base of the building, in addition, to studying the structure without any control (Fixed Base). For the base isolation system, three types of insulators were studied, the Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) insulator, Sliders (Sliders), and the Triple Friction Pendulum (TFP) insulator. The main objectives of this thesis are to study the seismic behavior of the Initial Pavilion building of the San Francisco de Asís School with a fixed base and how the behavior changes by increasing three types of isolators, the LRB isolator with slider and the TFP isolator, and the determination of the efficiency of the insulators concerning the Fixed Base building in terms of the reduction of relative displacements, shear forces, and mezzanine accelerations. To carry out this research, a three-dimensional mathematical model of the building was developed in the nonlinear analysis software ETABS v19. It was also used to compare the efficiency between LRB slip and TFP isolators in terms of the structural response of the building to seismic forces. The results of this research showed that LRB insulators with sliders and TFP are effective, managing to reduce drifts by more than 77% for the X analysis direction and 89% for the Y analysis direction, the shear forces were reduced by more than 67% in the X analysis direction and 67% in the Y analysis direction; while the mezzanine accelerations were reduced by more than 68% in the X analysis direction and 64% in the Y analysis direction. In conclusion, the results of this thesis demonstrate that LRB isolators with sliders and TFP are efficient vibration control to reduce the effects of earthquakes on building structures as demonstrated at the San Francisco de Asís School. These results demonstrate that using LRB isolators with sliders and TFP is a good option for improving the seismic safety of buildings.
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