Bibliographic citations
Santos, D., Estrada, C. (2022). Análisis comparativo de las propiedades físico-mecánicas de una mezcla asfáltica modificada con nanosílice respecto a una mezcla asfáltica betutec pg 70-28 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Santos, D., Estrada, C. Análisis comparativo de las propiedades físico-mecánicas de una mezcla asfáltica modificada con nanosílice respecto a una mezcla asfáltica betutec pg 70-28 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2022.
title = "Análisis comparativo de las propiedades físico-mecánicas de una mezcla asfáltica modificada con nanosílice respecto a una mezcla asfáltica betutec pg 70-28",
author = "Estrada Gutierrez, Carlos Eduardo",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2022"
The purpose of present investigation was to comparatively analyze the physical-mechanical properties of an asphalt mixture modified with nanosilica, with respect to an asphalt mixture BETUTEC PG 70-28, by adding nanosilica to the asphalt binder. As components of the asphalt mixtures, fine aggregates (crushed sand and natural sand) from the Cunyac quarry, coarse aggregate (TMN ½”) from the Morroblanco quarry and BETUTEC PG 70-28 asphalt were used; all this, provided by the asphalt plant of the Regional Government of Cusco; as well as the GAIA Nanosilica additive provided by the company ULMEN. The quality tests of the aggregates (fine and coarse) were carried out in the Laboratory of Soils and Pavements of the Universidad Andina del Cusco and the tests corresponding to the asphalt mixture were carried out in the INGEOMAT laboratory. The method used for the design of hot asphalt mixtures was the Marshall Method. To begin with, BETUTEC PG 70-28 asphalt mix briquettes were made with asphalt contents of 4.0%, 4.5%, 5.0%, 5.5%, 6.0% and 6.5%; being the optimum calculated asphalt content of 5.4%, with which the nanosilica-modified asphalt mixture briquettes was made with respect to the weight of the optimum content of the binder with the following percentages: 0.5%, 1.5%, 3.0%, 4.5% , 6.0% and 7.5%; being the optimum calculated nanosilica content of 6.36%. As a final point, asphalt mixture briquettes with optimal asphalt and nanosilica contents, respectively, were made to analyze the volumetric parameters (VTM, VAM, VFA, Pba and Pbe), Marshall Stability and Flow, and Indirect Traction or Compression Resistance Diametral, in order to compare the Physical-Mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures. Finally, it is concluded that the Modified Asphalt Mix with Nanosilica, compared to the BETUTEC PG 70-28 asphalt mixture, presents, with respect to the volumetric parameters, a lower percentage of air voids - VTM, a lower percentage of air voids - VMA, a higher percentage of air voids VFA, a higher percentage of asphalt absorption Pba and a higher percentage of effective asphalt Pbe, with respect to Stability increases its value,
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