Bibliographic citations
Sencia, E., (2018). Evaluación comparativa del diseño de un pavimento rígido con subbase tratada con mínima cantidad de cemento y una sin tratar, utilizando material de la cantera de Quillahuata y aplicado a tráfico variado. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Sencia, E., Evaluación comparativa del diseño de un pavimento rígido con subbase tratada con mínima cantidad de cemento y una sin tratar, utilizando material de la cantera de Quillahuata y aplicado a tráfico variado. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "Evaluación comparativa del diseño de un pavimento rígido con subbase tratada con mínima cantidad de cemento y una sin tratar, utilizando material de la cantera de Quillahuata y aplicado a tráfico variado.",
author = "Sencia García, Erwin Ronald",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
In this research work soil samples were studied in natural state and soil added with 2, 4 and 6% cement, in order to determine the minimum amount of cement needed to reach a strength of 18 kg/cm2 (minimum required according to the EG-2013), resulting in a value of 3.83%, likewise, the incidence in the design of rigid pavements of a subbase of 10 cm in thickness treated with 3.83% of cement with respect to the incidence in the design of a subbase of 20 cm was studied thickness of natural soil, resulting in a reduction of slab thickness from 3.91 cm to 2.3 cm for traffic from 150,000 ESALs to 7'500,000 ESALs respectively. To this end, material characterization, compaction and resistance tests were carried out, to determine the combined reaction module, which intervened in the design of the rigid pavement. The minimum content of cement, 3.83%, was determined by compression break of specimens made with 2, 4 and 6% cement, to 7 days of wet curing, obtaining results of 11.7, 22.0 and 33.9 kg/cm2 respectively, then , the sensitivity for humidity and density of compaction of the mixture was analyzed, obtaining values of 18.1, 22.0 and 20.6 kg/cm2 in specimens made with -1, +0 and + 1% of humidity with respect to the optimum and values of 11.8, 16.2 and 21.5 kg/cm2 in specimens made at 95, 97 and 100% of the maximum dry density. With this, it was proved that the compressive strength is not less than 18 kg/cm2 for the design conditions (± 1% humidity and 100% of the maximum dry density). Samples of natural soil and samples added with 3.83% cement, with 7 days of wet curing, reached CBR values of 20.34% and 293.03% respectively. With which, the resilient modulus of natural soil was determined by means of a correlation based on the CBR, obtaining a value of 123.07 MPa (17.849.20 psi). The resilient modulus of the soil cement was determined based on the speed of wave propagation in specimens with 3.83% cement, compacted under optimal conditions and with 7 days of wet curing, obtaining a value of 4,481.24 MPa (649.925.37 psi) for speeds of longitudinal and transversal wave of 1,538.97 and 888.52 m/s respectively. Then, with the values of resilient modulus, combined reaction modules of 12.13 MPa/m were calculated for the subbase of natural soil and 86.66 MPa/m for the subbase treated with minimum amount of cement.
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