Bibliographic citations
Aucca, B., Carbajal, D. (2021). Evaluación comparativa de las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de un concreto tradicional, con respecto a un concreto traslucido, reemplazando el agregado fino por vidrio molido en diferentes porcentajes [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Aucca, B., Carbajal, D. Evaluación comparativa de las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de un concreto tradicional, con respecto a un concreto traslucido, reemplazando el agregado fino por vidrio molido en diferentes porcentajes []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2021.
title = "Evaluación comparativa de las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de un concreto tradicional, con respecto a un concreto traslucido, reemplazando el agregado fino por vidrio molido en diferentes porcentajes",
author = "Carbajal Arriola, Daniel Enrique",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2021"
In the present research, a comparative analysis of the physical-mechanical properties ofa Concrete f´c = 210 kg / cm2, added with a HP 300 plasticizer from the ULMEN brand,hereinafter called Standard Concrete; with respect to other Concretes, also additives, but with substitution of Fine Aggregate (Sand), by Ground Recycled Glass (VRM) in differentsubstitution percentages (50%, 75% and 100%). The concretes were made with Type I PortlandCement and according to the mix design DIM 1045 (German Methodology). The Thermal Conductivity Test was carried out under the ASTM C177-13 standard, astandard that details the procedure and the measuring device, which was designed and prepared by the researchers, for the concrete blocks to be tested. Similarly, for the Light TransmittanceTest (Translucency), an equipment was designed and developed that allows us to measure. For the other tests, such as Compression Resistance, Revenue and Volumetric Weight, they werecarried out under current national regulations, and with the equipment and tools of the CuscoPre-mixed and Machinery laboratory. With the substitution of Fine Aggregate, by Ground Recycled Glass, it is shown that there is a clear modification of the physical-mechanical properties of concrete. For CompressiveStrength, an increase is evidenced at a maximum point, when the replacement is made at 50%. For Thermal Conductivity, a decrease is evidenced, as the substitution of fine aggregateincreases, therefore, the material has a greater thermal insulation capacity. For LightTransmittance, a slight passage of light is evidenced, when the replacement is made at 100%.For the Volumetric Weight, a decrease is evidenced, as the substitution of the fine aggregate increases, making it a lighter material. The research allowed us to appreciate the great benefits that working with Ground Recycled Glass offers us, by substituting one of the main components of concrete, such as Fine Aggregate (La Arena). This shows that the use of recycled glass in the manufacture of concreteis a viable and sustainable practice, in addition to achieving significant energy savings and great environmental and economic benefits.
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