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García, N., Salgado, M. (2024). Efectos de la incertidumbre macroeconómica en las operaciones del sistema financiero en Perú, 2008-2021 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
García, N., Salgado, M. Efectos de la incertidumbre macroeconómica en las operaciones del sistema financiero en Perú, 2008-2021 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2024.
title = "Efectos de la incertidumbre macroeconómica en las operaciones del sistema financiero en Perú, 2008-2021",
author = "Salgado Moreano, Marco Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2024"
Title: Efectos de la incertidumbre macroeconómica en las operaciones del sistema financiero en Perú, 2008-2021
Advisor(s): Vargas Jibaja, Aurelio
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 21-Aug-2024
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: Esta investigación examina el impacto de la incertidumbre macroeconómica en las
operaciones del sistema financiero en Perú durante el período 2008-2021, utilizando un
modelo cuantitativo, no experimental y descriptivo-correlacional. Los datos provienen de un
índice de incertidumbre creado a partir de informes de The Economist Intelligence Unit y
registros de la Superintendencia Nacional de Banca, Seguros y AFP de Perú, analizados
mediante un modelo within con ajuste de errores estándar de Driscoll-Kraay. Los hallazgos
revelan que la incertidumbre macroeconómica, especialmente en América Latina, tiene un
efecto negativo estadísticamente significativo en las operaciones tanto activas como pasivas
del sistema financiero. Las operaciones activas experimentaron una reducción general del
1.8%, con un impacto particularmente severo en las operaciones en dólares, que se
contrajeron un 23.8%, mientras que las operaciones en soles no mostraron cambios
significativos. Por otro lado, las operaciones pasivas disminuyeron en un 4.1%, con efectos
similares en soles y dólares, indicando una reducción en la captación de depósitos e
inversiones bajo condiciones de mayor incertidumbre económica. Estos resultados subrayan
cómo la incertidumbre económica afecta diferencialmente las diversas facetas del sistema
financiero peruano, con un impacto más marcado en las operaciones con moneda extranjera
y en las actividades pasivas del sistema. Esta investigación destaca la importancia de
estrategias de gestión financiera que puedan mitigar los efectos negativos de la
incertidumbre macroeconómica.
This research examines the impact of macroeconomic uncertainty on the operations of the financial system in Peru during the period 2008-2021, using a quantitative, non-experimental and descriptive-correlational model. The data come from an uncertainty index created from reports from The Economist Intelligence Unit and records from the National Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP of Peru, analyzed using a within model with Driscoll-Kraay standard error adjustment. The findings reveal that macroeconomic uncertainty, especially in Latin America, has a statistically significant negative effect on both active and passive operations of the financial system. Active operations experienced an overall reduction of 1.8%, with a particularly severe impact on operations in dollars, which contracted 23.8%, while operations in soles showed no significant changes. On the other hand, passive operations decreased by 4.1%, with similar effects in soles and dollars, indicating a reduction in the collection of deposits and investments under conditions of greater economic uncertainty. These results highlight how economic uncertainty differentially affects the various facets of the Peruvian financial system, with a more marked impact on foreign currency operations and passive activities of the system. This research highlights the importance of financial management strategies that can mitigate the negative effects of macroeconomic uncertainty.
This research examines the impact of macroeconomic uncertainty on the operations of the financial system in Peru during the period 2008-2021, using a quantitative, non-experimental and descriptive-correlational model. The data come from an uncertainty index created from reports from The Economist Intelligence Unit and records from the National Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP of Peru, analyzed using a within model with Driscoll-Kraay standard error adjustment. The findings reveal that macroeconomic uncertainty, especially in Latin America, has a statistically significant negative effect on both active and passive operations of the financial system. Active operations experienced an overall reduction of 1.8%, with a particularly severe impact on operations in dollars, which contracted 23.8%, while operations in soles showed no significant changes. On the other hand, passive operations decreased by 4.1%, with similar effects in soles and dollars, indicating a reduction in the collection of deposits and investments under conditions of greater economic uncertainty. These results highlight how economic uncertainty differentially affects the various facets of the Peruvian financial system, with a more marked impact on foreign currency operations and passive activities of the system. This research highlights the importance of financial management strategies that can mitigate the negative effects of macroeconomic uncertainty.
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Discipline: Economía
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables
Grade or title: Economista
Juror: Lopez Garces , Oscar Israel
Register date: 11-Nov-2024
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