Bibliographic citations
Usca, M., Coaquira, H. (2021). El contrato social para la protección de una vejez digna del adulto mayor y el Instituto Jurídico de la Hipoteca Inversa en el Perú [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Usca, M., Coaquira, H. El contrato social para la protección de una vejez digna del adulto mayor y el Instituto Jurídico de la Hipoteca Inversa en el Perú []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2021.
title = "El contrato social para la protección de una vejez digna del adulto mayor y el Instituto Jurídico de la Hipoteca Inversa en el Perú",
author = "Coaquira Mamani, Holguer",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2021"
With this research work we set out to analyze the application and impact of the reverse mortgage legal institute in front of our forgotten older adults, seen from a social and political point of view such as the social contract, and through this concept understand that today a modern society is not only one that enjoys a peaceful coexistence but one that seeks the well-being and inclusion of its citizens for a better future, paying greater attention to those sectors of greater vulnerability in our society. Likewise, we ask ourselves why a large percentage of our vulnerable population, that is to say, our older adults are in a situation of helplessness and neglect of our authorities, according to the almost null policies existing in our regulations; Although it is true the problem is not of the present; If not, it has been dragging on for years and today it is a problem that we must face. The lack of education, access to information, real and honest policies and not of a select group, corruption, lack of interest, etc., are some examples that today give a concept to the word society. It should be noted that, if in the present we do not ensure the rights, protection and policies in favor of our elderly, our old age will be the same, with forgetfulness and needs. Today we are the makers of our future if you don't do it for someone else do it for yourself, a muffled voice is a dark life.
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