Bibliographic citations
Zuniga, R., Apaza, W. (2017). Análisis comparativo de la resistencia a compresión axial de pilas y compresión diagonal de muretes de albañilería, sin tarrajeo, con tarrajeo y tarrajeo reforzado con soga driza utilizando ladrillos king kong de 18 huecos y blocker. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Zuniga, R., Apaza, W. Análisis comparativo de la resistencia a compresión axial de pilas y compresión diagonal de muretes de albañilería, sin tarrajeo, con tarrajeo y tarrajeo reforzado con soga driza utilizando ladrillos king kong de 18 huecos y blocker. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2017.
title = "Análisis comparativo de la resistencia a compresión axial de pilas y compresión diagonal de muretes de albañilería, sin tarrajeo, con tarrajeo y tarrajeo reforzado con soga driza utilizando ladrillos king kong de 18 huecos y blocker.",
author = "Apaza Llamacponcca, Wily",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2017"
The present investigation was oriented to the study of the numerical variations, of the properties of resistance to axial compression of King Kong brick piles of 18 holes and blocker, also to the resistance to diagonal compression of walls with King Kong brick of 18 holes and blocker , these will be evaluated through the masonry premium specimen according to the E.070 standard. The manufacture of the specimens was made with solid units of King Kong brick of 18 holes with measures of 9cm x 12cm x 24cm and hollow units as blocker of measures of 10cm x 20cm x 30 cm of semi industrial manufacture, seated with Mortar type NP. The mortar was made with added coarse sand from the quarry Tres de Mayo-Huambutio and fine sand from the CunyacLimatambo bridge, Portland type IP cement and drinking water. The tarrajeo was also made in piles And walls with fine sand from Cunyac-Limatambo. Additionally, physical mechanical properties tests were carried out on the aggregate from the quarries Of Tres de Mayo and the masonry units manufactured in the San Jerónimo Cusco district. The preparation of samples for the axial compression test were 5 Units of batteries without tarrajeo, 5 units of batteries with tarrajeo and 5 units of batteries with tarrajeo reinforced with rope halyard. These piles were made for each type of Masonry unit such as King Kong bricks of 18 holes and blocker. The elaboration of samples for the diagonal compression test of walls was 5 units of walls without tarrajeo, 5 units of walls with tarrajeo and 5 units of walls with tarrajeo reinforced with rope halyard. These walls were made by each type of masonry units such as King Kong bricks of 18 holes and blocker. The premiums will be evaluated at 28 days with a total of 15 piles of masonry made with King Kong brick 18 holes, 15 piles of masonry made with blocker, 15 masonry walls made with King Kong units of 18 holes and 15 walls of masonry made with blocker. According to what was tested, very important results were obtained, which highlight the resistance of the King Kong 18 brick wall with tarrajeo reinforced with a halyard rope that passes the resistance of 5.1 kg / cm2 complying with the regulations for walls with traditional King Kong brick. Analyzing the results we showed the improvement in the resistance in the piles and walls using the halyard rope as a reinforcement in tarrajeo.
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