Bibliographic citations
Bravo, L., (2022). Influencia del hidrogel como sustituto del agua en las propiedades físico-mecánicas de un suelo obtenido en la Apv. Sacsaccata – San Sebastián estabilizado con cemento portland tipo ip a nivel de subrasante – 2022 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Bravo, L., Influencia del hidrogel como sustituto del agua en las propiedades físico-mecánicas de un suelo obtenido en la Apv. Sacsaccata – San Sebastián estabilizado con cemento portland tipo ip a nivel de subrasante – 2022 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2022.
title = "Influencia del hidrogel como sustituto del agua en las propiedades físico-mecánicas de un suelo obtenido en la Apv. Sacsaccata – San Sebastián estabilizado con cemento portland tipo ip a nivel de subrasante – 2022",
author = "Bravo Humpire, Luis Enrique",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2022"
The main objective of the research is to determine the influence of the addition of Hydrogel as a substitute for water on the physical-mechanical properties of a soil stabilized with portland cement type IP at the subgrade level, considering 5 mixtures: Natural Soil (1), Soil + 5% cement (2), Soil + 7% cement (3), Soil + 5% cement + hydrogel (4) and Soil + 7% cement + hydrogel (5). The little adoption of new stabilization alternatives or complementary to those already known at the gauge level or without affirming, poses a challenge in unfavorable conditions mainly due to the low support capacity in fine soils. Among the properties that were evaluated are compaction, compressive strength, CBR support capacity and expansion variation; through modified proctor tests, CBR test, compressive strength of soil-cement specimens and cost analysis. The methodology followed in this research has a quantitative approach, with an explanatory level using the hypothetical-deductive research method, where the methodological design is quasi-experimental. The results obtained a soil A-4 (0), ML (Low Plasticity Silt) whose maximum dry density was 1.862gr/cm3 (1), 1.867 gr/cm3 (2), 1.88 gr/cm (3), 1.890 gr /cm3 (4) and 1,897gr/cm3 (5). For the compressive strength, it results in 1.12 kg/cm2 (1), 10.31 kg/cm2 (2), 12.48kg/cm2 (3), 13.41 kg/cm2 (4) and 15.25 kg/cm2 (5) on average. In turn, in the CBR test, 2.55% (1), 103.84% (2), 154.32% (3), 145.09% (4) and 172.09% (5) were obtained. With operating cost per m2 S/ 19.84 (2), S/ 24.83 (3), S/ 27.25 (4) and S/ 31.80 (5). In conclusion, in general, the hydrogel positively influences a large part of the mechanical properties studied, with the exception of compaction. What stands out lies in the CBR, increasing by almost 40% of the CBR for a (4) compared to (2) and a growth of 12% of the CBR for (5) in relation to (3). Likewise, for the compressive strength, the hydrogel achieves an increase of around 30% compared to (2), in the same way it happens with (5) achieving an impact increase of around 22% in relation to (3). The hydrogel has progressively increased stabilization costs, due to the relationship with the optimum moisture content in ranges from 13% to 14%.
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