Bibliographic citations
Tafur, J., (2021). Conocimiento tributario y conciencia tributaria en estudiantes del 5° año de educación secundaria del Colegio Sagrado Corazon, Iquitos – periodo 2019 [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Tafur, J., Conocimiento tributario y conciencia tributaria en estudiantes del 5° año de educación secundaria del Colegio Sagrado Corazon, Iquitos – periodo 2019 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2021.
title = "Conocimiento tributario y conciencia tributaria en estudiantes del 5° año de educación secundaria del Colegio Sagrado Corazon, Iquitos – periodo 2019",
author = "Tafur Tapullima, Junior Albertine",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2021"
The objective of this study is to determine the level of knowledge and tax culture of the students of 5th year of secondary education of the colegio sagrado corazón, iquitos, period 2019. this research is based on the fact that there are high levels of tax evasion, as well as there are few tax awareness in the new curricular trends, which include tax problems in the comprehensive development of the student, to play a leading role as a citizen responsible for ensuring common welfare. this research considers the following chapters: chapter i statement of the problem, which contains the description of the problematic reality, the formulation of the problem, the formulation of the objectives, the justification and limitation of the investigation. chapter ii theoretical framework, explains the main theoretical bases that served us to give rise to this research. chapter iii hypotheses and variables. chapter iv methodology, in which the methodology used for the development of our thesis is shown. chapter v results and discussion, where we will contrast reality with our hypothesis. finally, the research work culminates with the conclusions, which were obtained as part of the hypothesis verification process; and with the recommendations where contributions to the research work were established; considering, in addition, the sources of information, and the respective annexes.
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