Bibliographic citations
Rengifo, R., Garcia, R. (2020). Conocimiento y percepción de riesgo de VIH/SIDA en estudiantes facultad de enfermería Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana Iquitos 2019 [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Rengifo, R., Garcia, R. Conocimiento y percepción de riesgo de VIH/SIDA en estudiantes facultad de enfermería Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana Iquitos 2019 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2020.
title = "Conocimiento y percepción de riesgo de VIH/SIDA en estudiantes facultad de enfermería Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana Iquitos 2019",
author = "Garcia Perez, Roxana Daleska",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2020"
The objective was to determine the association between knowledge and risk perception of HIV / AIDS in students from the first to the fifth level of the Faculty of Nursing of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon Iquitos 2019. The method used was quantitative, with design non-experimental, correlational and cross-sectional. The population was made up of 297 students and the sample was 168 students. The technique was the survey and the instruments were: the HIV / AIDS knowledge questionnaire (validity 87.94% and reliability 85.35%) and the scale of perception of risk of becoming ill with HIV / AIDS (validity 96.10% and reliability 94.70%). The results were: in knowledge about HIV / AIDS, 164 (97.6%) had high knowledge and 4 (2.4%) had low knowledge; in HIV / AIDS risk perception, 124 (73.8%) had a high-risk perception and 44 (26.2%) had a low-risk perception; When analyzing the association between knowledge and the perception of risk of becoming ill with HIV / AIDS, p = 0.025 <α 0.05 was obtained. It is concluded that there is a significant statistical association between knowledge and risk perception of HIV / AIDS in students from the first to the fifth level of the Faculty of Nursing of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon Iquitos 2019.
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