Bibliographic citations
Hernández, I., Laychi, D. (2019). Conocimiento y práctica de medidas preventivas sobre VIH/SIDA en adolescentes de la I.E.P.S. N°60793 "TÚPAC AMARU", Iquitos 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Hernández, I., Laychi, D. Conocimiento y práctica de medidas preventivas sobre VIH/SIDA en adolescentes de la I.E.P.S. N°60793 "TÚPAC AMARU", Iquitos 2019 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2019.
title = "Conocimiento y práctica de medidas preventivas sobre VIH/SIDA en adolescentes de la I.E.P.S. N°60793 "TÚPAC AMARU", Iquitos 2019",
author = "Laychi Ramirez, Diana Lucero",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2019"
The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between knowledge and practice of preventive measures on HIV / AIDS in adolescents of the I. E. P. S. No. 60793 Tupac Amaru of the city of Iquitos 2019. The method used was the quantitative with design no experimental, correlation and transversal. The results were 234 (100.0%) of adolescents, 148 (63.2%) have inadequate knowledge and 86 (36.8%) of adolescents have adequate knowledge about HIV / AIDS; of 234 (100.0%) adolescents who participated in the sample, 180 (76.9%), practice preventive measures in HIV / AIDS and only 54 (23.1%) of adolescents do not practice preventive measures in HIV / AIDS. The paper concludes that when carrying out the analysis between knowledge and practice of preventive measures on HIV / AIDS in adolescents,; p = 0.004 was obtained, this result allowed us to accept the following research hypothesis: there is a statistically significant relationship between knowledge and the practice of preventive measures on HIV/AIDS in adolescents of the I. E. P. S No. 60793" Tupac Amaru ". Iquitos 2019".
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