Bibliographic citations
García, E., Ysuiza, J., Utia, K. (2018). Actitudes y práctica de bioseguridad en venopunción periférica del enfermero (a) que labora en el hospital regional de Loreto, Punchana - 2017 [Tesis, Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana].
García, E., Ysuiza, J., Utia, K. Actitudes y práctica de bioseguridad en venopunción periférica del enfermero (a) que labora en el hospital regional de Loreto, Punchana - 2017 [Tesis]. : Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana; 2018.
title = "Actitudes y práctica de bioseguridad en venopunción periférica del enfermero (a) que labora en el hospital regional de Loreto, Punchana - 2017",
author = "Utia Vásquez, Kei Naylu",
publisher = "Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2018"
The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the attitude and practices of biosecurity in peripheral venipunture of the nurse who Works in the Regional Hospital of Loreto, Punchana 2017, due to the increase of infections in hospital services specifically in neonatal intensive care units. The method used was quantitative with a descriptive, transversal and correlational design. The simple was constituted by 105 nurses (as) who work in the Regional Hospital of Loreto. The instrumrnts used were: the lickert type scale on attitudes to peripheral venipuncture and the checklist on venipuncture biosecurity practices, with a validity of 89.9 % and 91.2% obtained through the expert judgment and the reliability was 86.1 and 78.6% respectively, obtained throygh the Cronbach’s alpha statistical test. The univariate analysis indicates that 91 (88.7%) nurses (as) had a positive attitude and 14 (13.3%) had a negative attitude. When carrying out the bivariate analysis between attitude and biosafety practices in peripheral venipuncture, a statistically significant relationship was found where it is confirmed with the non-parametric statistical test of free chi-square distribution with yates correction factor whose values are XC2=12,216, gl=1 ; p= 0.000471 (p <0.01)
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