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Yactayo, V., (2019). La psicomotricidad y su relación con el proceso de lectoescritura [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Yactayo, V., La psicomotricidad y su relación con el proceso de lectoescritura []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2019.
title = "La psicomotricidad y su relación con el proceso de lectoescritura",
author = "Yactayo Pineda, Viviana Beatriz",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2019"
Title: La psicomotricidad y su relación con el proceso de lectoescritura
Authors(s): Yactayo Pineda, Viviana Beatriz
Advisor(s): Borja Meza, Ricardo Benigno
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 6-Aug-2019
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle
Abstract: La presente investigación aborda el tema psicomotricidad y su relación con el proceso de
lectoescritura, la cual tiene como objetivo determinar que las actividades psicomotrices
permiten una adecuada maduración en el desarrollo motor grueso y fino y esto lo convierte
en un elemento importante para el aprendizaje, llevando al niño a una adecuada y correcta
preparación para el inicio en la lectoescritura.
La investigación es de tipo descriptiva correlacional, se empleó el coeficiente alfa (α) para
indicar la consistencia interna del instrumento, se empleó la fórmula del alfa de Cronbach
porque la variable está medida en la escala de Líkert. Para esta investigación se tomó en
cuenta referencias bibliográficas cuyos autores son especialistas en el tema de psicomotriz
y lectoescritura, los cuales fundamentan el presente trabajo de investigación , así mismo
para el trabajo de campo, se determinó una muestra piloto de 20 docentes encuestadas,
posteriormente se aplicó para determinar el grado de confiabilidad, por la consistencia
interna de Cronbach, mediante el software SPSS versión 21, el cual analiza y determina el
resultado con exactitud.
This research addresses the topic of psychomotricity and its connection to the process of literacy, which has as aim to determine that psychomotor activities allow to have an appropriate maturation in the developement of both fine and gross motors and it turns into an important element for the learning, conducting the child to an adequate and proper preparation in concern to the beginning in literacy. The research is of descriptive and correlational type, the coefficient (α) was used to indicate the internal consistency of the instrument, Cronbach´s alpha formula was used because the variable is measured in Likert´s scale. Bibliographic references whose authors are specialists in the topic of literacy were taken into account for this research , which substantiate this research work, also for the field research, it was determined a pilot sample of 20 teachers surveyed; afterwards, it was applied to determine the level of reliability, according to Cronbach´s internal consistency, through the software SPSS 21 version, which analyzes and determines the results with accuracy.
This research addresses the topic of psychomotricity and its connection to the process of literacy, which has as aim to determine that psychomotor activities allow to have an appropriate maturation in the developement of both fine and gross motors and it turns into an important element for the learning, conducting the child to an adequate and proper preparation in concern to the beginning in literacy. The research is of descriptive and correlational type, the coefficient (α) was used to indicate the internal consistency of the instrument, Cronbach´s alpha formula was used because the variable is measured in Likert´s scale. Bibliographic references whose authors are specialists in the topic of literacy were taken into account for this research , which substantiate this research work, also for the field research, it was determined a pilot sample of 20 teachers surveyed; afterwards, it was applied to determine the level of reliability, according to Cronbach´s internal consistency, through the software SPSS 21 version, which analyzes and determines the results with accuracy.
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Discipline: Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación con mención Problemas de Aprendizaje
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle. Escuela de Posgrado
Grade or title: Grado Académico de Maestro en Ciencias de la Educación con mención Problemas de Aprendizaje
Juror: Asencios Trujillo, Lida Violeta; Huayre Ignacio, Emiliano Zolano; Tobalino López, Donatila
Register date: 9-Jun-2021; 6-Nov-2024
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