Bibliographic citations
Corrales, M., (2018). Competencias alcanzadas en la representación espacial manual y computacional de los estudiantes del curso de Dibujo de Ingeniería I en la Facultad de Ingeniería Civil de la UNASAM - 2016 [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Corrales, M., Competencias alcanzadas en la representación espacial manual y computacional de los estudiantes del curso de Dibujo de Ingeniería I en la Facultad de Ingeniería Civil de la UNASAM - 2016 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2018.
title = "Competencias alcanzadas en la representación espacial manual y computacional de los estudiantes del curso de Dibujo de Ingeniería I en la Facultad de Ingeniería Civil de la UNASAM - 2016",
author = "Corrales Picardo, Miguel Ronald",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2018"
The purpose of this study was to relate the competencies achieved in the manual and computational representation of the students of the Engineering Drawing course of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of UNASAM-2016. The population and the sample consisted of 47 students School of Civil Engineering in the semester 2016-I; The sample was divided in two groups, one of manual drawing with 28 students and one of drawing by computer with 19 students. The focus of the research was quantitative, of quasi experimental type with design of pre-test and post-test and intact groups. The instrument used was a questionnaire of 24 questions, divided in six dimensions: Conventions, geometric lines, relation of forms in the space, visualization of solids, pictorial projections and projections. The pre-test was applied before starting the course to both groups. Then they were taught the same subjects, which were practiced, but using manual instruments the one and the other, computational instruments. Finally, at the conclusion of the course, the post-test was applied and the results were compared. The statistical design included percentage measures, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion and correlations; which were processed through the SPSS version 22 statistical package. The final conclusion was that the difference in progress between the competences achieved in the manual and computational representation of the students of the Engineering Drawing I course is not significant.
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