Bibliographic citations
Chirinos, A., (2023). Influencia de la propuesta didáctica las maravillas de Apata, en el logro de la competencia actúa y piensa matemáticamente en situaciones de cantidad, en los estudiantes de cinco años de la Institución Educativa Inicial N° 152 Apata de la Región Junín 2019 [Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle].
Chirinos, A., Influencia de la propuesta didáctica las maravillas de Apata, en el logro de la competencia actúa y piensa matemáticamente en situaciones de cantidad, en los estudiantes de cinco años de la Institución Educativa Inicial N° 152 Apata de la Región Junín 2019 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle; 2023.
title = "Influencia de la propuesta didáctica las maravillas de Apata, en el logro de la competencia actúa y piensa matemáticamente en situaciones de cantidad, en los estudiantes de cinco años de la Institución Educativa Inicial N° 152 Apata de la Región Junín 2019",
author = "Chirinos Peinado, Ana Veronica",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle",
year = "2023"
The objective of this research work is to determine the influence of the didactic proposal the wonders of Apata, in the achievement of the competence acts and thinks mathematically in situations of quantity, in the five-year-old students of the Initial Educational Institution No. 152 Apata of the Junín Region, 2019. This research is of a quantitative approach, a type of applied research, of a quasi-experimental design. The selected sample is intentional non-probabilistic with two intact groups, that is, 18 children from the experimental group and 16 from the control group. The pretest and posttest checklist instrument was applied to both to measure the dependent variable, previously validated by expert judgment and with a Kuder Richarson reliability = 0.770. After the application of the didactic proposal, the descriptive results indicate that the GE have better conditions than the GC in the post-test, with the highest mean in the GE (24.56) in reference to the CG (16.94); likewise, a median is distant 24 points in the GE and 16 points in the CG. The results of the inferential statistics showed that there are significant differences between the results obtained by the children of the experimental group and those of the control group in a (z = -4,508, p < 0.05) in favor of the experimental group. In conclusion, there is a significant influence of the didactic proposal the wonders of Apata, in the achievement of the competence acts and thinks mathematically in situations of quantity, in the five-year-old students of the Initial Educational Institution No. 152 Apata of the Junín Region, 2019.
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