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Aylas, A., Tovar, J., Calcina, A., Moggiano, N. (2024). Design of a Hydro Bicycle for the Junin, Huancayo Region [Universidad Continental].
Aylas, A., Tovar, J., Calcina, A., Moggiano, N. Design of a Hydro Bicycle for the Junin, Huancayo Region []. PE: Universidad Continental; 2024.
title = "Design of a Hydro Bicycle for the Junin, Huancayo Region",
author = "Moggiano Aburto, Nabilt Jill",
publisher = "Universidad Continental",
year = "2024"
Title: Design of a Hydro Bicycle for the Junin, Huancayo Region
Authors(s): Aylas Quispe, Alexis Yober; Tovar Solano, Jean Carlos; Calcina Sotelo, Armando Felipe; Moggiano Aburto, Nabilt Jill
Advisor(s): Calcina Sotelo, Armando Felipe
Keywords: Estructura flotante; Potencia
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Continental
Abstract: The objective of this study was the design of a hydraulic bicycle and the
assembly of a floating structure, steering and propulsion to be able to navigate. To this
end, a variety of studies have been conducted. A study on the selection of the most
suitable materials for the marine environment was also conducted, where a detailed
analysis of each component of the power transmission was carried out, where the
Shigley-McGrawhill mechanical engineering design book of machine elements was also
used. The study of the structural part was carried out to ensure the integrity of the user,
also a study of the transmission of pedaling power to the propeller and the pontoons to
be able to withstand a maximum load of 120 kg and stability to ensure buoyancy.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Mecánica
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Continental. Facultad de Ingeniería.
Grade or title: Ingeniero Mecánico
Register date: 22-Apr-2024
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