Title: Measurement and Projection of Public Green Spaces per Inhabitant in the Central Metropolitan Area of the City of Huancayo
OCDE field: https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#6.04.08
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Continental
Abstract: Public green spaces contribute to maintaining
environmental, social and economic balance in urban areas.
However, due to various social and urbanistic factors, the
need for more green spaces in urban areas has increased.
Currently, the city of Huancayo has green spaces for
tourism and public recreation, but with the growth of urban
and population, the existing public green spaces are
insufficiently supplied. This article addresses the following
problem of whether the surface of public green spaces in
the Central Metropolitan Area of the City of Huancayo, is
proportional to the needs of the current and future
population. The objective of this research is to measure and
project the amount of public green spaces per inhabitant in
the Central Metropolitan Area of the City of Huancayo
from 2020 to 2030. This will be achieved through the
development of a database of criteria and projections on
public spaces, taking as a reference the book "Lima and
Public Spaces: Profiles and Integrated Statistics 2010" by
Dr. Architect Wiley Ludeña Urquizo. For this, the
following methods were used: a bibliographical analysis, in
order to compile information from previous research on
public green spaces; and a morphological analysis, in
which the cadastral maps of the metropolis of Huancayo
and its six districts were analyzed: San Agustín de Cajas,
Pilcomayo, El Tambo, Huancayo, Chilca, and Huancán.
Subsequently, to obtain the data, geographic technological
tools were used to help locate public spaces and identify
areas, perimeters, and others. The study shows that the public green spaces in the Central Metropolitan Area of the
City of Huancayo are insufficient and are expected to
decrease further, which will have a negative impact on the
current and future population. This prompts a reflection and
discussion on the context of public green spaces in
Huancayo in relation to the obtained results. Finally, the
article concludes with recommendations that could help
address the lack of public green spaces.
Discipline: Arquitectura
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Continental. Facultad de Ingeniería.
Grade or title: Arquitecto
Register date: 8-Aug-2024