Bibliographic citations
Hernandez, N., (2024). Enseñanza por indagación para el desarrollo de la competencia científica en los estudiantes de quinto grado de secundaria [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Hernandez, N., Enseñanza por indagación para el desarrollo de la competencia científica en los estudiantes de quinto grado de secundaria []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2024.
title = "Enseñanza por indagación para el desarrollo de la competencia científica en los estudiantes de quinto grado de secundaria",
author = "Hernandez Vasquez, Nelly Emma",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2024"
The effectiveness of the application of Neurodidactic practices (Inquiry) for the development of “scientific competence” of 5th grade high school students was evaluated. The type of research was quasi-experimental with 44 students, distributed in two equivalent groups, experimental and control. The instrument applied was the "Test to assess the level of development of scientific competence" which includes a set of items released from the PISA Test. The Shapiro-Wilk normality test (N<50) was applied to determine the distribution of the results of the Test scores (Sig>0.05), which determined the statistical analysis with the Student's T parametric test, whose results establish that there are differences when comparing the means (x= 4,682) of the control and experimental groups (Sig <0.05) in the post-test. It is concluded that the application of Neurodidactic practices (inquiry) contributes to the improvement of the development of Scientific competence of 5th grade secondary school students.
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