Bibliographic citations
Chile, N., (2022). Caracterización de las proteínas de los estadios postoncosferales de Taenia solium reconocidas por anticuerpos de pacientes con neurocisticercosis [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Chile, N., Caracterización de las proteínas de los estadios postoncosferales de Taenia solium reconocidas por anticuerpos de pacientes con neurocisticercosis []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2022.
title = "Caracterización de las proteínas de los estadios postoncosferales de Taenia solium reconocidas por anticuerpos de pacientes con neurocisticercosis",
author = "Chile Andrade, Nancy",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2022"
Taenia solium is a cestode that causes neurocysticercosis (NCC), a disease that affects the central nervous system, and is considered the leading cause of acquired epilepsy in the world. Postoncospheral form are early T. solium cysticercus stages (which causes NCC) and the study of its proteins is important to identify targets for the immunodiagnosis and to understand the host-parasite relationship. In this research 2 studies were carried out, the first consisted of a systematic review and meta-analysis of the sensitivity and specificity of the western blot for the immunodiagnosis of NCC; while the second study consisted of the characterization of the postoncosphere proteins recognized by antibodies of NCC patients. In the first study, the meta-analysis estimated that western blot has a sensitivity of 78.9% [95%CI: 71.8%-83.6%] and a specificity of 97.6% [95% CI: 95.7%-98.7%] for the immunodiagnosis of NCC, however, these data vary depending on the antigen type, the study type, and the number and state of the cysticercus in the brain. In the second study, antigenic protein bands (23, 46 and 48 kDa) of postoncosphere were recognized by 98% and 100% of patients with parenchymal and subarachnoid NCC respectively; mass spectrometry identified the proteins present in the post-oncosphere bands that could be evaluated as candidates for diagnosis and for the study of the modulation of the immune response and establishment of the post-oncosphere in the host.
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