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Hurtado, M., Loyola, W. (2023). Diagnóstico de enfermedad ocupacional [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Hurtado, M., Loyola, W. Diagnóstico de enfermedad ocupacional []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2023.
title = "Diagnóstico de enfermedad ocupacional",
author = "Loyola Balarezo, Winston Valdemar",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2023"
Title: Diagnóstico de enfermedad ocupacional
Keywords: Diagnóstico; Valoración; Determinación o Investigación de Enfermedades Ocupacionales; Enfermedades Relacionadas al Trabajo
OCDE field:;
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Abstract: Objetivos: Conocer y describir los fundamentos o criterios para realizar el diagnóstico de una enfermedad de origen ocupacional. Materiales y métodos: Consulta de información científica existente a la fecha de PubMed, Cochrane, BVS y Tripdatabase, Scopus, entre otros, para establecer el avance de los conocimientos a la fecha, en relación a los criterios utilizados y las estrategias para realizar el diagnóstico de enfermedades ocupacionales en general. Resultados: Se realizó la descripción a detalle de los criterios principales de ayuda diagnóstica en enfermedad ocupacional. Los criterios descritos fueron: clínico, de exposición ocupacional, epidemiológico y médico-legal. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico de enfermedades de causa ocupacional parte de la existencia probable de la enfermedad, el cual es posterior al inicio de la actividad laboral. El abordaje de los casos se inicia con la evaluación médica ocupacional, el cual debe contemplar una historia laboral detallada, seguidamente se identificará criterios de exposición a un agente de riesgo, siendo esta previa al inicio de la enfermedad. Se buscará la vinculación entre la exposición y la patología mediante el estudio de la relación causa-efecto, valiéndose para ello de los criterios epidemiológicos. Finalmente, el médico ocupacional, basándose en conocimientos propios de su formación y en cumplimiento de normativas legales locales e internacionales, debe realizar una síntesis del caso para concluir con el informe médico-legal respectivo.
Objetives: Know and describe the foundations or criteria for making the diagnosis of an occupational disease Materials and methods: Consultation of scientific information existing to date from PubMed, Cochrane, BVS and Tripdatabase, Scopus, among others, to establish the progress of knowledge to date, in relation to the criteria used and the strategies to make the diagnosis. of occupa tional diseases in general. Results: A detailed explanation of the main criteria for diagnostic aid of occupational disease was made. The criteria described were clinical, occupational exposure, epidemiological and medicine legal. Conclusions: The diagnosis of diseases of occupational cause is based on the probable existence of the disease, which is after the start of work activity. The approach to cases begins with the occupational medical evaluation, which must include a detailed work history , then criteria for exposure to a risk agent will be identified, this being prior to the onset of the disease. The link between exposure and pathology will be sought by studying the cause effect relationship, using epidemiological criteria. Fin ally, the occupational doctor, based on his own knowledge of training and in compliance with local and international legal regulations, must carry out a synthesis of the case to conclude with the respective medico legal report.
Objetives: Know and describe the foundations or criteria for making the diagnosis of an occupational disease Materials and methods: Consultation of scientific information existing to date from PubMed, Cochrane, BVS and Tripdatabase, Scopus, among others, to establish the progress of knowledge to date, in relation to the criteria used and the strategies to make the diagnosis. of occupa tional diseases in general. Results: A detailed explanation of the main criteria for diagnostic aid of occupational disease was made. The criteria described were clinical, occupational exposure, epidemiological and medicine legal. Conclusions: The diagnosis of diseases of occupational cause is based on the probable existence of the disease, which is after the start of work activity. The approach to cases begins with the occupational medical evaluation, which must include a detailed work history , then criteria for exposure to a risk agent will be identified, this being prior to the onset of the disease. The link between exposure and pathology will be sought by studying the cause effect relationship, using epidemiological criteria. Fin ally, the occupational doctor, based on his own knowledge of training and in compliance with local and international legal regulations, must carry out a synthesis of the case to conclude with the respective medico legal report.
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Discipline: Medicina Ocupacional y del Medio Ambiente
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Escuela de Posgrado Víctor Alzamora Castro
Grade or title: Maestro en Medicina Ocupacional y del Medio Ambiente
Juror: Sabastizagal Vela, Iselle Lynn; Peña Prado, Karina; Coral Jaimes, Crysthian Iván
Register date: 22-Feb-2024
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