Bibliographic citations
Manrique, M., (2022). Presencia de hemoparásitos en ranas del género Telmatobius decomisadas en el departamento de Lima, Perú [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Manrique, M., Presencia de hemoparásitos en ranas del género Telmatobius decomisadas en el departamento de Lima, Perú []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2022.
title = "Presencia de hemoparásitos en ranas del género Telmatobius decomisadas en el departamento de Lima, Perú",
author = "Manrique Zapana, Miguel Ángel Mario",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2022"
Peru is a megadiverse country, ranking third in diversity of amphibians, however, 21% of them are threatened. Frogs of the genus Telmatobius are in decline, the main causes being habitat loss, illegal trafficking and disease. The objective of this study was to determine the presence of hemoparasites in this group of amphibians. Blood samples were taken from the ventral abdominal vein of 50 frogs of the genus Telmatobius seized in the city of Lima, with which a blood smear was made per sample / animal and stained with Wright's stain. Identifying hemogregarins of the genus Dactylosoma (family Dactylosomatidae) in 14% (n = 7/50) of the evaluated samples; this study is the first report of the presence of a haemoparasite in the genus Telmatobius.
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