Bibliographic citations
Rivas, R., (2021). El ENSO durante el último interglacial (130-116 ka AP) registrado por fósiles de Mesodesma donacium (Bivalvia: Mesodesmatidae) en el Perú [Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia].
Rivas, R., El ENSO durante el último interglacial (130-116 ka AP) registrado por fósiles de Mesodesma donacium (Bivalvia: Mesodesmatidae) en el Perú []. PE: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; 2021.
title = "El ENSO durante el último interglacial (130-116 ka AP) registrado por fósiles de Mesodesma donacium (Bivalvia: Mesodesmatidae) en el Perú",
author = "Rivas Blas, Rolf Aldo",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia",
year = "2021"
To understand whether ENSO is sensitive to future global warming it is necessary to perform reconstructions under different past climatic conditions. This is because the instrumental records are too short to assess the interannual variability simulated by models at relevant time scales for future adaptation. Middle Holocene paleoclimatic reconstructions have served to hypothesize that ENSO appears to be sensitive to orbital variations which are related to the seasonal distribution of solar energy. However, this is still under scrutiny, because reconstructions show strong variability and the minimum of ENSO activity in the Holocene did not occur during the maximum seasonal contrast of insolation. The last interglacial maximum or MIS 5e (~ 125 ka) provides an opportunity to contribute to this hypothesis, since this period is characterized by presenting variations in the seasonal cycle of insolation greater than during the Holocene. This work presents a reconstruction of the seasonal variability of the sea surface temperature (SST) and the ENSO activity level in the southern coast of Peru during the MIS 5e period using month-scale δ18O records in ten fossil shells of the bivalve Mesodesma donacium. They were collected from the Pampa del Palo marine terrace, located in Ilo, Moquegua, Perú (17° 41’ 44.8’’ S, 71° 20’ 45.3’’W). δ18O variations in the stratigraphy of the terrace were compared with the theoretical isotope stratigraphy of M.donacium in order to determine the layers corresponding to MIS 5e, in which the fossil shell were selected. The 10 shells represent high-resolution short intervals (2-5 years) recording 30.8 years and showing an SST seasonal cycle 40 % and 25 % higher compared to the cycle recorded by shells from the same species during the Holocene or Recent (XX century) respectively. Interannual climate variability related to ENSO and recorded in the MIS 5e is extreme, 5 and 4.4 times higher compared to the Holocene and the present day respectively. The interannual variability was produced by very strong ENSO events. Our results don’t support the hypothesis of ENSO’s sensitivity to changing insolation but reinforce the positive relationship found between the SST seasonal cycle and ENSO amplitude in this region. We show that the ENSO variability range is wider that previously observed in modern or paleoclimatic instrumental records and thus opening the possibility of future unexpected changes in its amplitude.
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