Bibliographic citations
Tamashiro, J., (2024). Análisis de la adopción de la NIIF 9- instrumentos financieros enfocados al deterioro de valor de las cuentas por cobrar y NIIF-arrendamientos enfocado en los contratos de arrendamientos de inmuebles, caso Arca Perú S.A.C. período 2022 [Universidad de Lima].
Tamashiro, J., Análisis de la adopción de la NIIF 9- instrumentos financieros enfocados al deterioro de valor de las cuentas por cobrar y NIIF-arrendamientos enfocado en los contratos de arrendamientos de inmuebles, caso Arca Perú S.A.C. período 2022 []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2024.
title = "Análisis de la adopción de la NIIF 9- instrumentos financieros enfocados al deterioro de valor de las cuentas por cobrar y NIIF-arrendamientos enfocado en los contratos de arrendamientos de inmuebles, caso Arca Perú S.A.C. período 2022",
author = "Tamashiro Chira, Joe Yoshimitsu",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2024"
The purpose of this Professional Proficiency Work is to establish the correct application and accounting in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standard 9 – Financial Instruments focused on the impairment of value in accounts receivable and International Financial Reporting Standard 16 – Leasing, on the financial statements of a Company for the period 2022. To demonstrate the accounting effects in the financial statements, this work has been based on the Company ARCA PERÚ S.A.C., dedicated to the marketing of veterinary medicines, supplements and vitamins, whose impairment policy is to provision for accounts receivable greater than 360 days past due. Likewise, it has office and warehouse lease contracts for the development of its activities. In the application of impairment, the simplified method was used in accordance with IFRS 9, applying the Roll Rates model to determine the impact on the Company's accounts receivable and on the presentation of the financial statements. Regarding the application of IFRS 16, it was decided to use method b) of the first-time adoption of the standard; in which, the financial information from previous years is not restructured so that they are comparative, the assets and liabilities are recorded in the year of implementation and the effects of previous years are recorded in the accumulated results. It was concluded that the application of the expected credit loss model according to IFRS 9 and the application of IFRS 16; in which they generated an asset and liability for the right of use, significantly impacted the financial statements of the Company, as a consequence of recognizing and recording greater expenses for estimating uncollectible accounts, as well as recognizing a greater asset and liability for the use of the leased property. Likewise, the application of these standards negatively affected the accumulated results and results of the year, which manifested a change in some of the Company's ratios.
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