Bibliographic citations
Oyanguren, C., Rondan, C. (2024). Calidad del servicio móvil, confianza, satisfacción del consumidor con relación a la lealtad del consumidor y la abogacía en aplicaciones móviles de entrega de alimentos [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Oyanguren, C., Rondan, C. Calidad del servicio móvil, confianza, satisfacción del consumidor con relación a la lealtad del consumidor y la abogacía en aplicaciones móviles de entrega de alimentos [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2024.
title = "Calidad del servicio móvil, confianza, satisfacción del consumidor con relación a la lealtad del consumidor y la abogacía en aplicaciones móviles de entrega de alimentos",
author = "Rondan Villafana, Cesar Alejandro",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2024"
The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between mobile service quality, trust, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and advocacy in food delivery applications (FDA). Through the review of related literature, it was identified that mobile service quality, trust and customer satisfaction are key factors for loyalty and advocacy in FDAs. In addition, from the review of the existing literature, a gap in the current research on the influences of these variables on loyalty and advocacy within the FDA sector was identified. The results of this study could generate valuable insights into consumer satisfaction and advocacy towards FDAs and contribute to improving user experience and app service. The target population will be assessed using a non-probability convenience sampling method, selecting a sample of 400 individuals who self-identify as FDA users and who have placed an order in the last eight months.
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