Bibliographic citations
Lorino, F., (2019). La prevalencia de la protección de bienes jurídicos colectivos y la exclusión de la regla de la prueba ilícita, en los delitos comunes, en el distrito judicial de Lima sur, año 2017 [Tesis, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Lorino, F., La prevalencia de la protección de bienes jurídicos colectivos y la exclusión de la regla de la prueba ilícita, en los delitos comunes, en el distrito judicial de Lima sur, año 2017 [Tesis]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2019.
title = "La prevalencia de la protección de bienes jurídicos colectivos y la exclusión de la regla de la prueba ilícita, en los delitos comunes, en el distrito judicial de Lima sur, año 2017",
author = "Lorino Acosta, Fernando Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2019"
The exclusion of the rule from the unlawful evidence, disagrees with the purpose of the criminal process, which is the search for truth, but which were given in accordance with the constitutional principles. The general objective of the research work was to be able to establish the degree of influence the prevalence of the protection of collective legal rights, in the exclusion of the rule of illegal evidence in common crimes. The research methodology used was the explanatory one, the application level, and as a method and design it is: ex post facto, because it is not intended, they control the independent variables, since the study is based on analyzing events that have already occurred. Natural way The population were criminal judges (16 criminal judges of the superior court of justice of south lima), criminal prosecutors (44 criminal prosecutors of the fiscal district of lima south), lawyers (300 lawyers from the province) being the sample not probabilistic or intentional, 22 prosecutors, 8 judges and 30 practicing lawyers, being the criterion of choice that has the specialty in criminal law. The instruments used to measure the variables were the surveys as a measurement that allows obtaining a representative sample. The statistical analysis was carried out applying spss version 21, which allowed the measurement to obtain the necessary information for the study of the social phenomenon under investigation. The investigation came in this way to conclude, through the surveys, in which they consider that the increase of the penalty generates persuasion for the abstention of the commission of the crime in harmony with its general preventive purpose. And with this, make the appropriate recommendations for this problematic phenomenon, such as the suggestion of a plenary agreement in which the prevalence of collective legal rights is emphasized vis-à-vis individuals.
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