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Ramirez, J., (2017). Cuidados de enfermería en pacientes con traumatismo encéfalo craneano, hospital Barranca [Trabajo académico, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Ramirez, J., Cuidados de enfermería en pacientes con traumatismo encéfalo craneano, hospital Barranca [Trabajo académico]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2017.
title = "Cuidados de enfermería en pacientes con traumatismo encéfalo craneano, hospital Barranca",
author = "Ramirez Chavarry, Jenny Raquel",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2017"
Title: Cuidados de enfermería en pacientes con traumatismo encéfalo craneano, hospital Barranca
Authors(s): Ramirez Chavarry, Jenny Raquel
Advisor(s): Condor Dorregaray, Teodolinda
Keywords: Traumatismo; Encéfalo; Craneano; Oro; Platino; Urgencias; Traumatic; Brain; Injury; Gold; Platinum; Emergencies
Issue Date: 4-Oct-2017
Institution: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Abstract: El presente trabajo académico es el caso clínico de un paciente con diagnóstico médico de Traumatismo Encéfalo Craneano, que ingresa al servicio de emergencia en la unidad de trauma shock del hospital de Barranca.
Los pacientes con lesiones cerebrales traumáticas graves están vinculados a altas tasas de morbilidad e importantes costos individuales y sociales, no sólo por la alta incidencia de muertes que causan sino también por número de individuos que se quedan con algún tipo de discapacidad, por lo cual los pacientes con este tipo de diagnósticos requieren cuidados especializados y humanizados. Para el caso clínico se aplicó el Proceso de Cuidado de Enfermería como metodología científica e instrumento de trabajo, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida, disminuir el riesgo de mortalidad y aumentar la esperanza de vida. Siendo desarrollado en tres capítulos: capítulo I Marco Teórico, relacionado al Traumatismo Encéfalo Craneano; Capítulo II Aplicación del Proceso del Cuidado de Enfermería Basado en evidencias, aplicando las 5 fases del proceso; Capítulo III tenemos las conclusiones y recomendaciones, luego Referencias Bibliográficas y Anexos. Se ha hecho uso de la Taxonomía NANDA NIC-NOC, basado en la Teoría de Dorothea Orem
The present academical research is a clinic case of a patient who has been diagnosticated with traumatic brain injury that admits in the emergency service at shock trauma unit of the Barranca hospital. The patients with serious traumatic brain injury are linked to high morbidity rates and important individual and social costs, not only because of the high incidence of deaths they cause, but also because of the number of individuals who are left with some type of disability, for that reason the patients with this type of diagnosis demand specialized and humanized care. For the clinic case it applied the Nursing Care Process as scientific methodology and work instrument with the objective to improve life quality, decrease mortality risk and increase hope life. Also it has been developed in three chapters: Chapter I Theoretical framework; Chapter II application of Nursing Care Process applying the 5 phases of the process; Chapter III Conclusions and recommendations, bibliographic references and annexures. It has been used of the NANDA NIC-NOC Taxonomy based on Dorothea Orem theory
The present academical research is a clinic case of a patient who has been diagnosticated with traumatic brain injury that admits in the emergency service at shock trauma unit of the Barranca hospital. The patients with serious traumatic brain injury are linked to high morbidity rates and important individual and social costs, not only because of the high incidence of deaths they cause, but also because of the number of individuals who are left with some type of disability, for that reason the patients with this type of diagnosis demand specialized and humanized care. For the clinic case it applied the Nursing Care Process as scientific methodology and work instrument with the objective to improve life quality, decrease mortality risk and increase hope life. Also it has been developed in three chapters: Chapter I Theoretical framework; Chapter II application of Nursing Care Process applying the 5 phases of the process; Chapter III Conclusions and recommendations, bibliographic references and annexures. It has been used of the NANDA NIC-NOC Taxonomy based on Dorothea Orem theory
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Discipline: Enfermería en emergencias y desastres
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Facultad de Enfermería
Grade or title: Especialista en enfermería en emergencias y desastres
Register date: 16-Feb-2018
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