Bibliographic citations
Vereau, J., (2018). Uso de la terapia racional emotiva y su influencia en las secuelas psicológicas del aborto en alumnas del 5to. ciclo de enfermería del I.E.S. Daniel Alcides Carrion [Tesis, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Vereau, J., Uso de la terapia racional emotiva y su influencia en las secuelas psicológicas del aborto en alumnas del 5to. ciclo de enfermería del I.E.S. Daniel Alcides Carrion [Tesis]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2018.
title = "Uso de la terapia racional emotiva y su influencia en las secuelas psicológicas del aborto en alumnas del 5to. ciclo de enfermería del I.E.S. Daniel Alcides Carrion",
author = "Vereau Jave, Jessica del Rosario",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2018"
This research aims to known the "use of rational emotive therapy and their Influence on the Aftermath of Abortion on Adolescents of the 5th. Nursing Cycle I.S.T. “Daniel Alcides Carrión”. The independent variable is the rational emotive therapy and the dependent variable is aftermath of abortion. The study population is comprised of 25 female students between the ages of 17 to 20 years. The instrument used was the Self-Esteem Inventory Stanley Coopersmith (SEI) school version of Stanley Coopersmith.
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