Bibliographic citations
Chauca, V., (2019). La medida cautelar y sus efectos en el proceso de alimentos en los juzgados de paz letrados del Cercado de Lima [Tesis, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Chauca, V., La medida cautelar y sus efectos en el proceso de alimentos en los juzgados de paz letrados del Cercado de Lima [Tesis]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2019.
title = "La medida cautelar y sus efectos en el proceso de alimentos en los juzgados de paz letrados del Cercado de Lima",
author = "Chauca Rivera, Víctor Guillermo",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2019"
The chosen research is important, given that the precautionary measure helps to advance certain or all effects, through a definitive failure or the assurance of a test, so that in the food process, the provider receives all that corresponds to him according to law. The objective was to demonstrate if the precautionary measure has effects on the food process in the Peace Courts of the Cercado de Lima. The type was explanatory as well as the applied level; the method and design are appreciated at this point; the population formed by the Lima Bar Association (CAL), with a sample of 378 legal operators; with a sampling of 95% as confidence and 5% margin in the error. For the measurement of the variables was the survey as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument, which served to collect information, was also validated by Judges with Degree of Doctors, who are experts in this type of evaluation and also validated the construct criterion; also the statistical test was the chi2, corrected by Yates. In conclusion, the precautionary measure has significant effects on the food process in the Peace Courts of the Cercado de Lima.
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