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Lazo, F., (2019). Tratamiento ortodóntico en pacientes periodontalmente comprometidos [Trabajo académico, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega].
Lazo, F., Tratamiento ortodóntico en pacientes periodontalmente comprometidos [Trabajo académico]. : Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega; 2019.
title = "Tratamiento ortodóntico en pacientes periodontalmente comprometidos",
author = "Lazo Mora, Felipe Joel",
publisher = "Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega",
year = "2019"
Title: Tratamiento ortodóntico en pacientes periodontalmente comprometidos
Authors(s): Lazo Mora, Felipe Joel
Advisor(s): Infantes Vargas, Valery Jorge
Keywords: Tratamiento ortodóntico; Periodontitis; Gingivitis; Regeneración ósea; Maloclusión; Pérdida de hueso alveolar; Estética dental; Paciente adulto; Enfermedad periodontal; Periodonto; Periodontitis crónica; Orthodontic treatment; Bone regeneration; Alveolar bone loss; Esthetic dental; Adult patient; Periodontal disease; Periodontium; Chronic periodontitis
Issue Date: 11-Sep-2019
Institution: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Abstract: En la actualidad el número de pacientes en búsqueda de tratamiento ortodóntico está en aumento, entre
ellos existe un gran porcentaje de personas adultas mayores de 40 años que requieren el tratamiento
por fines estéticos en la mayoría de casos. La prevalencia de enfermedad periodontal en este grupo
etáreo es alta, lo cual hace más complejo su tratamiento. Esto motiva al ortodoncista en la búsqueda de
nuevos conocimientos sobre el tratamiento de pacientes periodontalmente comprometidos.
Para ofrecer un tratamiento ortodóntico, el ortodoncista debe considerar restablecer la estética y la
función masticatoria logrando que el tratamiento sea estable, sin embargo también es considerado el
control del bio-film, el cambio de hábitos del paciente, la higiene oral y las enfermedades sistémicas de
que condicionan el estado de salud periodontal. Así mismo el ortodoncista deberá conocer la
biomecánica ortodóntica del paciente periodontalmente comprometido, tomar en cuenta las fuerzas de
intrusión / extrusión empleada en los dientes, la línea de acción de fuerza, que deberá pasar muy cerca
del centro de resistencia, para evitar la reabsorción ósea y por consecuente la pérdida de dientes.
El presente estudio trata sobre el conocimiento de la biomecánica ortodóntica empleada en los pacientes
periodontalmente comprometidos, así como la magnitud de fuerzas que deberán ejercer los alambres a
nivel de los brackets para poder hacer movimientos ortodónticos, más aún en la retracción de piezas
anteriores. Así mismo se desarrollan las consideraciones a tomar en cuenta en los movimientos
intrusivos y de vestibularizacion, pues hay pacientes que son más susceptibles que otros y pueden
desarrollar alteraciones en la encía y el hueso.
Por lo tanto, el manejo interdisciplinario es la vía correcta para el tratamiento ortodóntico de pacientes
periodontalmente comprometidos, pues ésta es la mejor opción en pacientes que tienen una gama de
problemas no solo de tipo ortodónticos y periodontales sino asociados a pérdida de la dimensión vertical
por exodoncias. Lograr la estabilidad oclusal perdida, devolver la funcionabilidad y estética por medio
de prótesis dentales, implantes dentales, ortodoncia, periodoncia permite conseguir el control de la
función, la estabilidad y retención que también se obtendrá por medio del control periodontal periódico
post-tratamiento. La importancia de la presente investigación es conocer la etiología, clasificación, el
diagnóstico, el proceso de la enfermedad y las condiciones del tratamiento ortodóntico en un tratamiento
multidisciplinar y d
Currently the number of patients seeking orthodontic treatment is increasing, among them there is a large percentage of adults over 40 who require treatment for aesthetic purposes in most cases. The prevalence of periodontal disease in this age group is high, which makes its treatment more complex. This motivates the orthodontist in the search for new knowledge about the treatment of periodontally compromised patients. To offer an orthodontic treatment, the orthodontist should consider restoring esthetics and masticatory function, making the treatment stable, but also controlling the bio-film, changing the patient's habits, oral hygiene and systemic diseases that condition the periodontal health status. Likewise, the orthodontist must know orthodontic biomechanics periodontally compromised patient, taking into account the forces intrusion / extrusion used in the teeth, the line of action of force which must pass very near the center of resistance, to prevent bone resorption and consequently the loss of teeth. The present study deals with the knowledge of the orthodontic biomechanics used in periodontally compromised patients, as well as the magnitude of forces that the wires must exert at the level of the brackets in order to make orthodontic movements, even more in the retraction of previous pieces. Likewise, the considerations to be taken into account in the intrusive and vestibularization movements are developed, since there are patients who are more susceptible than others and can develop alterations in the gum and bone. Therefore, interdisciplinary management is the correct route for the orthodontic treatment of periodontally compromised patients, as this is the best option in patients who have a range of problems not only of orthodontic and periodontal type but associated with loss of vertical dimension by Extractions Achieving lost occlusal stability, restoring functionality and aesthetics through dental prostheses, dental implants, orthodontics, periodontics allows to achieve function control, stability and retention that will also be obtained through periodontal periodic control post-treatment. The importance of the present investigation is to know the etiology, classification, diagnosis, the process of the disease and the orthodontic treatment conditions in a multidisciplinary treatment and in this way to achieve a correct orthodontic management in periodontally compromised patients.
Currently the number of patients seeking orthodontic treatment is increasing, among them there is a large percentage of adults over 40 who require treatment for aesthetic purposes in most cases. The prevalence of periodontal disease in this age group is high, which makes its treatment more complex. This motivates the orthodontist in the search for new knowledge about the treatment of periodontally compromised patients. To offer an orthodontic treatment, the orthodontist should consider restoring esthetics and masticatory function, making the treatment stable, but also controlling the bio-film, changing the patient's habits, oral hygiene and systemic diseases that condition the periodontal health status. Likewise, the orthodontist must know orthodontic biomechanics periodontally compromised patient, taking into account the forces intrusion / extrusion used in the teeth, the line of action of force which must pass very near the center of resistance, to prevent bone resorption and consequently the loss of teeth. The present study deals with the knowledge of the orthodontic biomechanics used in periodontally compromised patients, as well as the magnitude of forces that the wires must exert at the level of the brackets in order to make orthodontic movements, even more in the retraction of previous pieces. Likewise, the considerations to be taken into account in the intrusive and vestibularization movements are developed, since there are patients who are more susceptible than others and can develop alterations in the gum and bone. Therefore, interdisciplinary management is the correct route for the orthodontic treatment of periodontally compromised patients, as this is the best option in patients who have a range of problems not only of orthodontic and periodontal type but associated with loss of vertical dimension by Extractions Achieving lost occlusal stability, restoring functionality and aesthetics through dental prostheses, dental implants, orthodontics, periodontics allows to achieve function control, stability and retention that will also be obtained through periodontal periodic control post-treatment. The importance of the present investigation is to know the etiology, classification, diagnosis, the process of the disease and the orthodontic treatment conditions in a multidisciplinary treatment and in this way to achieve a correct orthodontic management in periodontally compromised patients.
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Discipline: Especialidad en ortodoncia y ortopedia maxilar
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Facultad de Estomatología
Grade or title: Especialista en ortodoncia y ortopedia maxilar
Register date: 6-Nov-2019
This item is licensed under a Creative Commons License