Bibliographic citations
Zumaeta, R., Romarioni, F. (2020). Monitoreo de proyectos y nivel de cumplimiento de metas y objetivos de la Gerencia de Proyectos de Infraestructura de FONCODES [Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Zumaeta, R., Romarioni, F. Monitoreo de proyectos y nivel de cumplimiento de metas y objetivos de la Gerencia de Proyectos de Infraestructura de FONCODES []. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2020.
title = "Monitoreo de proyectos y nivel de cumplimiento de metas y objetivos de la Gerencia de Proyectos de Infraestructura de FONCODES",
author = "Romarioni Aguirre, Franklin César",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2020"
Since 2017, the Ministry of Economy and Finance has assigned to the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, specifically to FONCODES, a budget of more than 160 million soles for the implementation of infrastructure projects to benefit more than 10,000 families nationwide that are in conditions of poverty and extreme poverty. However, 40% of the projects have been delayed in the completion of the work, which has been detrimental to the timely delivery of the goods and services that the State entity had planned as part of its social inclusion policy. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of project monitoring on the level of compliance with the goals and objectives of the FONCODES Infrastructure Project Management. The scope of the study is framed in the Infrastructure Project Management, with the participation of fifty professionals in charge of monitoring the projects at the national level, using as a research technique the survey and the methodology of explanatory - descriptive approach, through data collection. The results of this work confirm that project monitoring is a relevant factor for the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the Infrastructure Project Management of FONCODES, and in view of the unfavorable situation that is revealed, The proposal is to reengineer the process of Project Monitoring and Control through the development of a procedure and its Implementation Plan that includes the technological implementation of a Field Visit Control Panel with timely information on the projects for decision making in each of the phases of project implementation, and timely delivery of goods to the population.
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