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Oré, V., Valle, S. (2020). Las habilidades directivas en el sector Educación [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú].
Oré, V., Valle, S. Las habilidades directivas en el sector Educación [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú; 2020.
title = "Las habilidades directivas en el sector Educación",
author = "Valle Guerovich, Sharon Isabel",
publisher = "Universidad Tecnológica del Perú",
year = "2020"
Title: Las habilidades directivas en el sector Educación
Authors(s): Oré Alfaro, Vania Paola; Valle Guerovich, Sharon Isabel
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2020
Institution: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
Abstract: El contar con gerentes que conozcan y desarrollen las habilidades directivas en el sector educación, es de vital importancia para poder enfrentar los constantes cambios que se presentan en dicho sector. Por tal motivo, se espera que las instituciones educativas cuenten con directivos que posean este conjunto de habilidades adecuadas para ejercer correctamente sus funciones. El objetivo de la investigación es identificar las habilidades directivas de los gerentes del sector educación orientado a la calidad educativa. La metodología utilizada es analítica, descriptiva y de observación, desarrollándose mediante la revisión de 10 artículos en países como Cuba, México, Venezuela, Ecuador y Costa Rica que se encuentran en diferentes revistas científicas indexadas con sus muestras correspondientes. El resultado de esta investigación evidencia la importancia de un oportuno desarrollo de habilidades directivas en los centros educativos y a su vez menciona cuáles son habilidades básicas con las que deben contar los directivos del sector educación.
Having managers who know and develop managerial skills in the education sector is vitally important in order to face the constant changes that occur in that sector. For this reason, educational institutions are expected to have managers who possess this appropriate set of skills to properly activate their functions. The objective of the research is to identify the managerial skills of the managers of the education sector oriented to educational quality. The methodology used is analytical, descriptive and observational, developed by reviewing 10 articles in countries such as Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador and Costa Rica that are found in different indexed scientific journals with their corresponding samples. The result of this research shows the importance of a timely development of managerial skills in schools and, in turn, mentions the basic skills that managers in the education sector must have.
Having managers who know and develop managerial skills in the education sector is vitally important in order to face the constant changes that occur in that sector. For this reason, educational institutions are expected to have managers who possess this appropriate set of skills to properly activate their functions. The objective of the research is to identify the managerial skills of the managers of the education sector oriented to educational quality. The methodology used is analytical, descriptive and observational, developed by reviewing 10 articles in countries such as Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador and Costa Rica that are found in different indexed scientific journals with their corresponding samples. The result of this research shows the importance of a timely development of managerial skills in schools and, in turn, mentions the basic skills that managers in the education sector must have.
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Discipline: Administración de Empresas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Tecnológica del Perú. Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Grade or title: Bachiller en Administración de Empresas
Register date: 3-Dec-2020
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