Bibliographic citations
Rodríguez, D., (2018). Gestión curricular de la práctica pedagógica para el desarrollo de competencias en el área de matemática en la institución educativa inicial Buenos Aires del distrito de Cayma- Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Rodríguez, D., Gestión curricular de la práctica pedagógica para el desarrollo de competencias en el área de matemática en la institución educativa inicial Buenos Aires del distrito de Cayma- Arequipa [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. PE: Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular de la práctica pedagógica para el desarrollo de competencias en el área de matemática en la institución educativa inicial Buenos Aires del distrito de Cayma- Arequipa",
author = "Rodríguez González, Diana Iris",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The present academic work is an Action Plan elaborated in the context of the studies to obtain the title of Second Specialty in School Management with Pedagogical Leadership, in charge of the Marcelino Champagnat University. The motivation for the elaboration of this Action Plan is to contribute to improve the learning quality of Initial Education students, from the role of director of a public educational institution. The Action Plan is called Curricular Management of Pedagogical Practice for the development of competences in the area of Mathematics in the Buenos Aires Initial Educational Institution, in the district of Cayma- Arequipa. It has as participants the director, teachers, students and parents of the campus, part of the determined problem: inadequate management of learning in the development of competences in the area of Mathematics of the students of the Buenos Aires Initial Educational Institution , and its general objective is: to improve the curricular management of learning for the development of competences in the area of Mathematics through the implementation of the monitoring plan and teacher accompaniment in the Buenos Aires Initial Educational Institution. The design used to formulate the action plan is action research, applied type and qualitative approach. This work led by the director will lead to the committed participation of all teachers to achieve the objectives and goals established through the alternative solution proposed, such as the implementation of a monitoring plan and teacher accompaniment, promoting learning communities. and an adequate dissemination of coexistence agreements that will ultimately result in the improvement of the learning of Initial Education students. The specific objectives that are intended to be developed are: Improve guidance in collegiate work with the professional learning community for the optimal development of skills in the area of Mathematics, adequate monitoring and support for the achievement of skills in the area of Mathematics and adequate practice of coexistence agreements in the educational community.
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