Bibliographic citations
Shardin, A., (2018). Plan de fortalecimiento de la planificación curricular para mejorar la gestión curricular en la Institución Educativa” Puerto Perú”, distrito de Yurimaguas, provincia Alto Amazonas, región Loreto, 2018 [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Shardin, A., Plan de fortalecimiento de la planificación curricular para mejorar la gestión curricular en la Institución Educativa” Puerto Perú”, distrito de Yurimaguas, provincia Alto Amazonas, región Loreto, 2018 [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Plan de fortalecimiento de la planificación curricular para mejorar la gestión curricular en la Institución Educativa” Puerto Perú”, distrito de Yurimaguas, provincia Alto Amazonas, región Loreto, 2018",
author = "Shardin Carvallo, Aron",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The purpose of this academic work is to strengthen school management and therefore the improvement of pedagogical practice, for which the action plan is presented with the general objective of designing the Proposal for a Plan to Strengthen Curriculum Planning to Improve Curricular Management in the Educational Institution "Puerto Perú", which is why it has been prioritized to work with all teachers of initial and primary level in order to solve this problem. For the action plan, the design assumed is that of participatory action research, the technique used is the interview and the instrument is the interview script, applied to all teachers, who voluntarily participated in the different actions planned for its formulation. , under a participatory action research design and using the semi-structured interview technique, the diagnosis was made, whose most important conclusions express that although it is true that teachers recognize that I.E. does not have a curriculum management plan because they do not consider it as a planning and management tool, at the same time, they also identify that its preparation has not considered the diagnosis of teaching practice, assuming instead that its execution allows it to be improved, providing support technician to the teacher, based on the information collected. This action plan is aimed at improving curricular planning, which will allow improving pedagogical practice through the implementation of a set of strategies aimed at the continuous training of teachers.
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