Bibliographic citations
Coz, L., (2018). Gestión curricular para desarrollar la competencia: Indaga mediante métodos científicos en docentes de la Institución educativa Nº 33270 de Huayllacan, Huánuco [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Coz, L., Gestión curricular para desarrollar la competencia: Indaga mediante métodos científicos en docentes de la Institución educativa Nº 33270 de Huayllacan, Huánuco [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestión curricular para desarrollar la competencia: Indaga mediante métodos científicos en docentes de la Institución educativa Nº 33270 de Huayllacan, Huánuco",
author = "Coz Vásquez, Luz Marilú",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The present academic work called Curriculum management to develop competence: investigates through scientific methods in teachers of the educational institution No. 33270 of Huayllacan, Huánuco. Whose objective is to improve curricular management to develop competence: it investigates through scientific methods, in teachers of the educational institution No. 33270 of Huayllacan, Huánuco, as participants are two teachers of the primary level, parents and the director. For the present work, an interview was started with the sample of 4 teachers to learn about the management of didactic strategies and processes to improve curricular management to develop competence: inquires through scientific methods, in teachers of the educational institution No. 33270 Among the most outstanding conclusions we have that: It is proposed that the change begins with the Director being a pedagogical leader who encourages school management focused on learning; in turn, it must influence the classrooms of which they are the ones who direct the learning. Thus, we can also mention that professional learning communities can also work to improve the level of teaching work, seeking leadership and collaborative work. On the other hand, it is essential to prioritize the development of research competence in the area of science; for which, it should not be worked as a simple transmission of knowledge, but implementing strategies, processes, a diverse approach; since this will allow the student to start in the processes of inquiry, research in the area of science, always seeking a critical, reflective sense to explain the world around him.
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