Bibliographic citations
Alvino, G., (2018). Gestion curricular que favorezca los espacios y materiales educativos para la mejora de los aprendizajes en la institucion educativa inicial “Elvira Garcia y Garcia” de Cerro de Pasco. [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Alvino, G., Gestion curricular que favorezca los espacios y materiales educativos para la mejora de los aprendizajes en la institucion educativa inicial “Elvira Garcia y Garcia” de Cerro de Pasco. [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Gestion curricular que favorezca los espacios y materiales educativos para la mejora de los aprendizajes en la institucion educativa inicial “Elvira Garcia y Garcia” de Cerro de Pasco.",
author = "Alvino Villareal, Graciela Juaquina",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The objective of this work is to improve curricular management in teachers to favor educational spaces and materials for the improvement of learning in the Initial Educational Institution "ELVIRA GARCIA Y GARCIA" of Cerro de Pasco, as a problem of interest as long as It affects the individual and group learning process of boys and girls. The organization of educational spaces and materials as a support to develop significant learning based on the interests and needs of children; therefore, their treatment will be carried out from situations of interaction, autonomy, social, psychomotricity. Well, this knowledge is possible to gradually develop in teachers to improve their performance and therefore to improve the learning and interaction of boys and girls. In the programming process and in the development of the learning sessions, the skills, abilities, attitudes and knowledge are developed in an articulated way, therefore our objective is to design strategies and a model of curricular management of spaces and educational materials for the improvement of learning in the Initial Educational Institution "Elvira GARCIA Y GARCIA. Professional learning communities is a strategy that will allow work at the teacher level, managing to improve educational quality through distributive leadership, collegiate work, and professional development among peers. It is essential to work with the student their autonomy and interaction through the game, since this will allow them to develop active, dynamic with a critical, reflective sense, that they are capable of solving their problems and challenges, thereby allowing them to be competent in society. that they have to live
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