Bibliographic citations
Ricopa, E., (2018). Plan de mejora de la convivencia escolar en la comunidad educativa del barrio de Requenillo, Provincia de Requena, Región Loreto [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat].
Ricopa, E., Plan de mejora de la convivencia escolar en la comunidad educativa del barrio de Requenillo, Provincia de Requena, Región Loreto [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. : Universidad Marcelino Champagnat; 2018.
title = "Plan de mejora de la convivencia escolar en la comunidad educativa del barrio de Requenillo, Provincia de Requena, Región Loreto",
author = "Ricopa Pacaya, Edilberto",
publisher = "Universidad Marcelino Champagnat",
year = "2018"
The importance of the family and the educational community in the academic performance of students has been verified by various studies and today becomes an irrefutable fact, when observing this problem that the educational institution is going through, it is convenient to reverse the problem, it has as Objective: Design an improvement plan for the management of school coexistence to strengthen teaching performance, with the participation of the Director, 07 teachers, 173 students and 102 parents. The research design is participatory action, of an applied educational type and with a qualitative approach; The instrument that was used to collect information was an interview with teachers and a survey of parents, which after being organized are established in the foundation of our report, the results obtained show that in the educational institution, the Parents are not involved in the educational work of their children, implementing an alternative solution that allows us to face the identified problem, through the "School Coexistence Management Improvement Plan", the communication between school and parents is necessary, helping to strengthen their processes and problems. Finally, this action plan aims to improve relationships between teachers and parents through active participation in school management.
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